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25 Mei 2016 17:59

Your sign of Zodiac reveals what kind of people really piss you off!

According to your sign of Zodiac, you will be attracted or repulsed by certain kind of people. Celia Tholozan
Your sign of Zodiac reveals what kind of people really piss you off!

Brilio.net/en - Astrologist suggest that according to your sign of Zodiac, you will be attracted or repulsed by certain kind of people. Here’s the list of the ones you should avoid!

1. Aquarius: people that base their opinions without having previously listened to all the elements

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You should always listen to both version of a story before you make an opinion. You hate people that base their judgement on prejudices. Of an affable and social nature, you need to clearly mark the boundaries of what’s acceptable for you or not and dare to speak up!

2. Pisces: people that cannot keep their promises and people that say you are too sensitive

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You often express your feelings, regardless of whether they’re positive or negative, and there’s nothing wrong with that, at least you are honest and people know they can rely on your word.

3. Aries: people complaining all the time and people that have excuses for everything

With a tendency to react in the heat of the moment, you never focus long on what is wrong and move easily a step forward to the positive! Try to be more tolerant toward other way of thinking than yours.

4. Taurus: people that are irresponsible

Wether it has to do with a bad organisation or not being reliable with money, you consider them as immature and they thus have a particular talent to annoy you the most.

5. Gemini: people that wrongly accuse (especially you)

Your integrity being your greatest quality, you have a hard time facing critics toward this aspect of your personality. Try to keep calm in those situation and move on.

6. Cancer: people thinking that kindness is a weakness

Good on you that you most of the time consider them with contempt instead of trying to convince them, They will soon find out for themselves how wrong they were.


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