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19 September 2024 08:20

Write and explain 3 types of brotherhood in Islam that strengthen the community

In Islamic teachings, brotherhood has a very important meaning. Annisa Endriyati Utami
Write and explain 3 types of brotherhood in Islam that strengthen the community

Brilio.net - In Islamic teachings, brotherhood has a very important meaning. Islam encourages every follower to build and maintain good relationships with fellow Muslims and all humans in general. There are three types of brotherhood taught in Islam, all of which play a crucial role in creating harmony among people. This article will write and explain 3 types of brotherhood in Islam that must be understood and applied by every Muslim.

1. Brotherhood because of lineage (Ukhuwwah Nasabiyah)

Brotherhood by lineage, or ukhuwwah nasabiyah, is a brotherhood based on blood relations or descent. This brotherhood is the most basic form of brotherhood in human life. Family is the first place a person gets support, affection, and protection. Islam strongly emphasizes the importance of maintaining good relationships with family, be it parents, siblings, or other relatives.

In the Qur'an, Allah commands Muslims to always be kind to their parents, and to maintain a good relationship with their family. When writing and explaining the 3 types of brotherhood in Islam, the relationship due to lineage occupies a very important position, because the family is the initial foundation that forms a person's character in living his life.

Paying attention to family relationships and maintaining ties of brotherhood in this lineage will bring blessings, strengthen faith, and bring peace to the soul. Islam teaches to always resolve conflicts with family peacefully and forgive mistakes, so that the Nasabiyah ukhuwah is well maintained.

2. Brotherhood among Muslims (Ukhuwwah Islamiyah)

Brotherhood among Muslims, or ukhuwwah Islamiyah, is a brotherhood that arises because of the similarity of faith and belief in Islam. All Muslims throughout the world are considered brothers, regardless of differences in race, tribe, or nation. This brotherhood is a form of solidarity of Muslims throughout the world. The Prophet Muhammad SAW said that believers are like one body; if one part of the body is sick, then the whole body feels the pain.

In this context, when writing and explaining the 3 types of brotherhood in Islam, ukhuwwah Islamiyah becomes very vital in maintaining the unity and integrity of the Ummah. Muslims are taught to help each other, look after each other, and strengthen each other in facing all life's challenges.

This brotherhood among fellow Muslims requires every individual to have a sense of empathy, care, and sincerity in helping others, especially those who are in difficulty.
Not only in small things, brotherhood among Muslims is also seen on a larger scale, such as the global humanitarian movement carried out by Muslims to help oppressed Muslim brothers and sisters in various parts of the world.

3. Brotherhood among human beings (Ukhuwwah basyariyah)

The brotherhood of fellow human beings, or ukhuwwah basyariyah, is a brotherhood that encompasses all of humanity, regardless of religion, race, or background. Islam teaches that every human being is a brother, because they come from the same ancestors, namely Adam and Eve. Therefore, maintaining good relations with all humans is part of the teachings of Islam that must be upheld.

In writing and explaining the 3 types of brotherhood in Islam, Ukhuwwah Basyariyah teaches the importance of respecting each other and not discriminating against other people just because of differences in religion or belief. Islam teaches its followers to be fair to everyone, both fellow Muslims and non-Muslims, and to treat everyone with kindness and compassion.

In the context of social life, Ukhuwwah Basyariyah emphasizes the importance of cooperation in matters that bring benefits to humanity, such as helping victims of natural disasters, fighting for human rights, and building world peace. Islam does not limit its followers to only doing good to fellow Muslims, but also to all mankind.

The importance of implementing the three types of brotherhood in life

After writing and explaining the 3 types of brotherhood in Islam, it becomes clear that all three have an important role in creating a harmonious life, both within the family, among fellow Muslims, and on a wider scale, namely all of humanity. Understanding and applying this concept of brotherhood in everyday life will help create better relationships with others, as well as increase the sense of unity among humanity.

Brotherhood because of lineage helps strengthen family ties which are the initial foundation of individual character formation. Brotherhood among Muslims bridges the unity of Muslims throughout the world, building strong solidarity and concern. While brotherhood among humans teaches the importance of maintaining good relations with all creatures, for the sake of creating world peace and prosperity.

Applying these three types of brotherhood in daily life will help Muslims live a better life, help each other, and create strong relationships with fellow human beings. In Islam, brotherhood is part of faith, and maintaining brotherhood is one way to get closer to Allah SWT.

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