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1 Februari 2017 11:15

Why Young Men Need Violence

"I know that some young men, though otherwise good, with nothing to do and nowhere to go, want a battlefield." Blaise Hope
Why Young Men Need Violence © AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim

I am not talking about women, because I am a man and do not know a woman's experience as I know a man's.

I know that there are a lot of guns in the world.

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I know that there aren't a lot of jobs and that there are a lot of causes and a lot of internet.

I know that in Chicago where I studied young men had access to guns, less guidance and a lot less jobs.

I know that a man's born anger comes in one form and always needs direction.

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I know that young men march in mobs on Jakarta's streets anger. On American streets. On any street.

I know that I used to watch boxing at school when I was 7, waiting for the next year to join, and how it crushed me when it was banned, when I was 8.

I know that angry young men need an outlet and many do not have one.

Physical sports are marginalized, violent video games are blamed and teamwork is ridiculed.

Young men need something other people seem not to.

I know that some young men, though otherwise good, with nothing to do and nowhere to go, want a battlefield.

I know that deep down, they want someone to kill.

There are billions of us, and more join the ranks every day. Someone will organize those ranks - they have already started.

I know the difference now is the internet. So you can grow passionate and devoted to anything from your phone.

I know that good forces must reach out and take control.

I know that sexual violence is out of control - and I only just learned - but I blame men for not taking their frustrations somewhere else. I hear that other men in prison know just where to put theirs.

I know that when I was 7 and started big boy school I was beaten by older boys by the bookshelves every day. Every day. Mid-morning break. Ten minutes.

I know my dad saw the bruises and told me to fight back.

I know I did, I know I solved it, isolated their weak link, and turned him around on the shelves.

I know I remember that worse than what they did to me.

I do not have a solution for violence.

I just know the anger, frustration and emotional silence.

The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect Brilio's.

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