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31 Januari 2016 14:00

What makes you a good driver is not being the best on the road

Whatever the type of your vehicle, here are how to make you the real good driver Victoria Tunggono
What makes you a good driver is not being the best on the road © Todaysseniorsnetwork.com

Brilio.net/en - For most teenagers, being able to drive is such an achievement that feels so cool to show it off. Illegally racing on the streets is one way to express their passion and to impress their peersespecially when there is someone special in the audience. But most people forget that to be a good driver you dont have to be the winner of grand prix or a night race. Whatever the type of your vehicle, here are how to make you the real good driver:

1. Know well the traffic rules
This is the first and most important condition you must fulfill, besides having your driving license. Not just to avoid being fined but also for the safety of yourself and others around you. Make sure you can read the traffic marks and signs, and obey to it.

2. Prepare for others stupidity
The key of being good is not to be the best but to prepare for the worse. Play as foreseer: observe the activities on the road, know what people are doing and predict where they are goingand do this all in just a glance. People can make a sudden stop or turn, so please always be aware of what is happening around you.

3. Train your reflex
It is so much helpful (and necessary) to have a good reflex on the road, especially when you need to avoid something and you have more than lives to save inside your car (and other cars around, too!) Make sure you know what to do in the safest way if anything happens.

4. Calm yourself down
Although many dont take this as a serious matter, a good driver is someone who can keep their cool on the road. Being an emotional driver is not only disturbing the othersboth to other road users and to people inside of your carbut also not good for your health.

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