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17 April 2016 13:12

VIDEO: 900 stray dogs roam free on a farm in Costa Rica

Dog-lovers get ready to head to Costa Rica. Ivana Lucic
VIDEO: 900 stray dogs roam free on a farm in Costa Rica © Facebook/Territorio de Zaguates Oficial

Brilio.net/en - Get ready to swoon all you puppy and dog lovers. Costa Rica has shown a great and humanitarian initiactive in dealing with its stray dog epidemic by creating a no-kill shelter that currently houses over 900 strays.

Is this a bear or dog?

But these adorable pups arent locked up in cages for days on end. Instead, they get to run and roam the beautiful Central American landscape that they can call a home of their own. And if they get sick of the indoors, they can relax in the indoor center that has been outfitted with comfy doggy beds, washing stations and fresh drinking water. There are even vets to take care of these strays! How heartwarming!

A new songbird species discovered!

And the keepers know how to handle the strays. As soon as they arrive at Territorio de Zaguates (which translates to the territory of the strays) they are either spayed or neutered, vaccinated and cleaned of parasites.

The best part is yet to come: all of the dogs are up for adoption!

But in a country with only 4 million inhabitants, it can be difficult to get these mutts adopted, as many people are only seeking pure bred pups. But the workers have come up with a creative way of getting these dogs adopted: by creating names of these mutt species! Bunny-Tailed Scottish Shepterrie sure does sound nicer than your average street mutt. Or how about Furrychest Jack Beagle Terrier? And cmon, who wouldnt want to own a Alaskan Collie Fluffyterrier?

And if you cant adopt a dog, the shelter always welcomes volunteers to play and take the dogs on hikes, which is also a dreamy thing to do enjoying the scenic hiking of Costa Rica with an army full of adorable dogs.

Just try to avoid stepping in the dog poop.

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