- The stomach is one of the important organs in the digestive system that functions to break down food into nutrients that can be absorbed by the body. This process will not run well without the help of enzymes that work in it. These enzymes have a very specific and important role in ensuring that the food consumed can be digested properly.
Many people may not realize how important these enzymes are in everyday life. Without them, the digestive process would be disrupted, which could lead to various health problems. Therefore, it is important to understand the various enzymes that work in the stomach and their respective functions.
This article will discuss the various enzymes that work in the stomach, as well as the specific functions of each enzyme. By understanding the role of these enzymes, it is hoped that you can better appreciate the importance of maintaining a healthy stomach and overall digestive system. reported from various sources on Tuesday (24/9).
1. Pepsin.
Pepsin is one of the main enzymes found in the stomach. This enzyme functions to break down proteins into smaller peptides. Pepsin is produced in an inactive form called pepsinogen, which is then activated by stomach acid. Without pepsin, the body would have difficulty digesting the proteins in food.
2. Gastric lipase.
Gastric lipase is an enzyme that works to break down fats into fatty acids and glycerol. Although most fat digestion occurs in the small intestine, gastric lipase begins the process in the stomach. This enzyme is essential to ensure that fats are properly digested and absorbed by the body.
3. Renin.
Renin is an enzyme that functions to break down milk proteins, especially casein. This enzyme is very important for babies who consume milk as their main source of nutrition. Renin helps break down milk proteins so that they can be digested more easily by the baby's digestive system.
4. Gelatinase.
Gelatinase is an enzyme that works to break down gelatin and collagen found in foods. This enzyme helps break down these proteins into smaller peptides, so they can be more easily digested by the body. Gelatinase is essential for digesting foods that contain a lot of collagen, such as meat.
5. Gastriksin.
Gastriksin is an enzyme similar to pepsin, but has a slightly higher optimal pH. This enzyme also functions to break down proteins into smaller peptides. Gastriksin works together with pepsin to ensure that the proteins in food can be properly digested.
6. Gastric amylase.
Although amylase is best known as an enzyme found in saliva and the pancreas, there is also amylase found in the stomach. Gastric amylase works to break down carbohydrates into simple sugars. This enzyme helps start the process of digesting carbohydrates before food reaches the small intestine.
7. Carboxypeptidase.
Carboxypeptidase is an enzyme that functions to break down peptides into amino acids. This enzyme works in the stomach and small intestine to ensure that proteins can be digested into amino acid forms that can be absorbed by the body. Carboxypeptidase is essential to ensure that the body gets the amino acids it needs for various biological functions.
8. Elastase.
Elastase is an enzyme that works to break down elastin, a protein found in connective tissue. This enzyme helps break down elastin into smaller peptides, so that it can be more easily digested by the body. Elastase is essential for digesting foods that contain a lot of connective tissue, such as meat.
9. Trypsin.
Trypsin is an enzyme that functions to break down proteins into smaller peptides. This enzyme is produced in an inactive form called trypsinogen, which is then activated by other enzymes in the stomach. Trypsin works together with pepsin and other enzymes to ensure that the proteins in food can be properly digested.
10. Chymosin.
Chymosin is an enzyme that functions to break down milk proteins, especially casein. This enzyme is very important for babies who consume milk as their main source of nutrition. Chymosin helps break down milk proteins so that they can be digested more easily by the baby's digestive system.
11. Phospholipase.
Phospholipase is an enzyme that functions to break down phospholipids into fatty acids and glycerol. This enzyme is very important for digesting fats found in food. Phospholipase helps ensure that fats can be properly digested and absorbed by the body.
12. Nuclease.
Nuclease is an enzyme that functions to break down nucleic acids into nucleotides. This enzyme helps break down DNA and RNA found in food, so that it can be digested more easily by the body. Nuclease is essential to ensure that the body can utilize the nucleic acids found in food.
13. Maltase.
Maltase is an enzyme that works to break down maltose into two glucose molecules. This enzyme helps break down carbohydrates found in food, so that they can be digested more easily by the body. Maltase is essential to ensure that the body gets energy from the carbohydrates consumed.
14. Lactase.
Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose. This enzyme is especially important for people who consume dairy products, as lactose is the main sugar found in milk. Lactase helps ensure that lactose is properly digested by the body.
15. Sucrase.
Sucrase is an enzyme that functions to break down sucrose into glucose and fructose. This enzyme helps break down the sugar found in food, so that it can be digested more easily by the body. Sucrase is essential to ensure that the body gets energy from the sugar consumed.
By understanding the various enzymes that work in the stomach and their respective functions, it is hoped that you can better appreciate the importance of maintaining a healthy stomach and digestive system as a whole. These enzymes have very specific and important roles in ensuring that the food consumed can be properly digested. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, as well as avoiding habits that can damage the stomach, such as excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.