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19 September 2024 06:10

Ustaz Maulana fasted Nabi Idris after his wife died, this is his intention and priority

One of the methods applied by Ustaz Maulana in fortifying oneself from lust is by fasting the Prophet Idris. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
Ustaz Maulana fasted Nabi Idris after his wife died, this is his intention and priority foto: Instagram/@m_nur_maulana

Brilio.net - Ustaz Maulana recently stole the public's attention with his decision to fast the Prophet Idris after losing his wife. It is known that Ustaz Maulana was abandoned by his wife, Nur Aliyah, who passed away in 2019. Not wanting to look for a new partner, Ustaz Maulana chose to take care of his children.

Almost 6 years after his wife's passing, the cleric from Makassar is holding on to his position to remain single and focus on preaching while taking care of his children. Even so, he admits that as humans there must be lust attached.

One of the ways that Ustaz Maulana implemented in fortifying himself from lust was by carrying out the fasting of Prophet Idris. So what is the fasting of Prophet Idris that Ustaz Maulana often carries out every day? Let's see the complete review below which was reported by brilio.net from various sources, Thursday (19/9).

Get to know what Prophet Idris' fasting is

photo: freepik.com

Not only the fast of Prophet David which is carried out on Mondays and Thursdays, there is also a sunnah fast that can be carried out, namely the fast of Prophet Idris. This fast refers to the tradition of worship carried out by Prophet Idris. It is said that Prophet Idris was a very diligent person in worship, fasting throughout the year except on certain days that are forbidden.

Like fasting in general, this fast can be done by anyone, namely refraining from eating, drinking, and avoiding things that break the fast from dawn to sunset. Basically, the fast of Prophet Idris can be done every day.

Most people who undergo this fast to find inner peace and get closer to Allah SWT. In addition, the fast of Prophet Idris is also done as a form of respect and an example of the piety of Prophet Idris who is known as a patient and diligent figure in carrying out worship.

For those of you who want to carry out the fast of Prophet Idris, here is the intention reading:

"Nawaitu shauma ghodin sunnatan lillahi ta'ala."

Meaning: I intend to fast the sunnah tomorrow because of Allah Ta'ala.

The virtues of Prophet Idris' fasting

photo: freepik.com

1. Get closer to Allah.

Prophet Idris' fasting has the advantage of bringing oneself closer to Allah. In the Islamic tradition, fasting is a form of worship that is highly recommended and is considered an effective way to increase piety and closeness to Allah.

This fasting is done with full sincerity, which can help someone improve their spiritual quality. According to al-Majmu' Syarh al-Muhazzab, fasting generally brings servants closer to Allah as well as eradicating minor sins. By fasting on Prophet Idris, you can deepen your sense of awareness and devotion to Allah.

2. Get reward and forgiveness.

Prophet Idris' fasting is also believed to provide rewards and forgiveness from Allah. In many hadiths and teachings of ulama, fasting done with the right intentions and sincerity can erase sins and provide great rewards.

According to Tafsir al-Jalalayn, acts of worship such as fasting that are carried out in order to increase spirituality and at the same time draw closer to Allah will receive a commensurate reward. This reward is given as a form of recognition and appreciation for a person's efforts in carrying out God's commands.

3. Teaches patience and steadfastness.

Another advantage of the Prophet Idris' fast is its ability to teach patience and steadfastness. Doing this fast requires high self-control and discipline, which in turn can increase a person's capacity to be patient in facing various life tests.

The Fiqh al-Sunnah book states that fasting as worship is very effective in training patience and mental endurance. By observing the fast of Prophet Idris, a person can gain valuable lessons about patience, which is useful in everyday life.

4. Increase gratitude.

Prophet Idris' fasting also functions to increase feelings of gratitude and concern for those around him. When fasting, he often feels the suffering and deprivation experienced by those who are less fortunate.

This encourages a person to be more grateful for the blessings they have and to be more concerned about the needs of others. In the Hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad taught that fasting can increase empathy and social concern. Thus, the fasting of Prophet Idris can strengthen gratitude and empathy for others.

5. Self-introspection.

The fast of Prophet Idris provides an opportunity for someone to introspect. During fasting, a person has time to reflect and evaluate themselves, so that they can improve the quality of their life in general and inwardly.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir emphasizes the importance of self-reflection in the process of worship, as it allows individuals to improve themselves and better understand their purpose in life. This fast is a valuable moment to conduct self-evaluation and improve one's relationship with Allah.

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