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2 November 2015 20:00

This woman turns a cassava into healthy flour and exports it to US

Research must be done several times in order to find the right formula for this healthy product Erina Wardoyo
This woman turns a cassava into healthy flour and exports it to US

Brilio.net/en - Cassava is still regarded as second-class foodstuff. Though cassava itself has many benefits, including containing vitamin B12, high in antioxidant, and low in sugar. Besides, cassava could also thrive in tropical climate of Indonesia.

Seeing the numerous benefits of cassava, Annisa Pratama (28) who is a graduate of Airlangga University makes a new breakthrough by transforming cassava into several healthy products and one of them is flour. Located in Pasuruan, Annisa and her husband established a cassava flour processing factory in 2012 which is called Ladang Lima.

She admitted that to transform cassava into flour takes quite a long time. It is due to the research that must be done several times in order to find the right formula for this healthy product. This cassava later could be used as various preparationssuch as cakes, bread and noodles.

Currently, she sells her product IDR 25,000 per kilogram. In addition to cassava flour, Anniasa also produces various healthy products like veggie noodle and any other healthy snacks.

Speaking about income, in this last 3 years Annisa could earn IDR 80 million to IDR 100 million per month. This cassava flour product also could be found in many places across Indonesia. She even exports her product to several countries, such as Singapore, Hong Kong and United States.

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