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16 Februari 2016 14:00

This rescued Orangutan misses her mom, she hugs herself for love

It is likely that Joss was traumatized as she saw her mother being brutally killed. Nadia Bintoro
This rescued Orangutan misses her mom, she hugs herself for love © Metro.co.uk

Brilio.net/en - International Animal Rescue in Borneo has recently release heartbreaking story and video of rescued baby Orangutan in Borneo. The baby named Joss was rescued on last January 5th, after being kept in captivity as a pet by a local.

The video shows how distressed Joss is. The hearthbreaking footage shows the baby with her arms wrapped so tightly around her small body that at first sight she seems deformed. It is likely that Joss was traumatized as she saw her mother being brutally killed before she was snatched from the forest and sold as a pet.

The IAR vet Jaclyn Eng said, Joss hugs herself constantly because she missed the physical contact and comfort she should still be getting from her mother. Her life up until now must have been very traumatic and stressful for her to behave in this abnormal way.

Joss was rescued in Parit Deri, Ketapang, West Borneo, by a team from IAR in collaboration with the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA). Her owner was a man named Dahlam who bought Joss of IDR 500,000 because he felt sorry for her, and not knowing that its illegal. Joss lived with his family, a wife and four kids, and was treated like a cuddly teddy bear, hugged and squeezed, with no understanding of how frightening and distressing this must have been for her.

After learning about the case, Dahlan voluntarily gave Joss to IAR.

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