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4 Mei 2016 15:55

This personal tattoo machine allows you to ink memories in the moment

The small machine is created for those who want an alternative and unique way to permanently mark their meaningful memories onto their skin. Victoria Tunggono
This personal tattoo machine allows you to ink memories in the moment © designboom

Brilio.net/en - Tattoos have become more conventional in recent years and talented artists are seeing lines out the door. But the new tool created by Jakub Pollg will allow you to ink your own skin without having to line up for any professional tattoo artist.

Pollg is a graduate from the Royal College of Art, London, UK, and together with his fellow student at Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design at Prague, Vclav Mlyn, co-founded the Studio deFORM, which focuses on product and furniture design, interior and exhibition architecture, and creative advertisement, that had been actively exhibited and awarded since 2010.

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His latest creation is named Personal Tattoo Machine (PTM), which aims to democratize the tattoo industry, as explained at the website. The small machine is created for those who want an alternative and unique way to permanently mark their meaningful memories onto their skin. But we are not sure if inking your own skin can be a good thing, because we tend to be scared when it comes to needle and untalented in the art of tattooing.

Image via designboom

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The machine invokes a simple handy design, and has a few standard off shelf products, which are sterile needles and tubes, ink cup, rubber gloves, antiseptic lotion and aftercare. Using the PTM is like gripping a pen to write, but this time a small machine on the inside is involved. The designer hopes that PTM will give the tattoo enthusiasts a safe, qualified and comfortable tool to use. The process to setup the machine, as the website promises, will be a short and simple, as long as the user can sterilize the surrounding environment for better and less-troubled result.

Image via designboom

Besides making outlines, PTM can also shade, which gives the DIY tattooist more creative space to draw anything, even filling a large area of ink. What we dont know yet is if using PTM will reduce the pain we get when get tattooed by professional artists. If so, the innovation will make people start using PTM because it is affordableand well start seeing doodles on peoples skin everywhere!

personal tattoo machine by jakub pollg from designboom on Vimeo.

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