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19 Februari 2016 14:00

This natural treatment can cure your kidney failure without dialysis

Researches have found benefits in the leaf that can cure kidney failure and even improve the function of kidneys. Victoria Tunggono
This natural treatment can cure your kidney failure without dialysis © wikimedia.org

Brilio.net/en - The kidneys main function is to process protein, fat and carbohydrate from food, and remove excess organic molecules from blood. They function as the primary organs for filtration, reabsorption and secretionwhich lead to excretion. When the kidney is no longer functioning, the body suffers from terminal renal failure. It is the condition where the kidneys can no longer hold blood protein (albumin) that should be released to urine.

There is no cure in western medical treatment for renal failure except to perform dialysis or kidney transplant. But it requires a lot of money to do the first solution and it is not so easy to find a do the latter. It is hard to find anyone willing to give out one of his/her kidneys and it is not always a genetic match.

When creating this world, Our Creator had prepared all of the answers that humans would need in the nature. And for this renal failure, we can find the solution in the leaves of breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis). Researches have found benefits in the leaf that can cure kidney failure and even improve the function of kidneys. The hydrocyanic acid, tannin and flavonoid, and acetylcholine and riboflavin are all proven to be good for kidney recovery.

Image via wikimedia.org

The leaf also has been proven to have beneficial qualities, including: lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, anti-inflammation properties for the skin rashes, itches and other minor skin irritations as well as improving the functions of the liver, preventing cancer, and curing for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

For kidney disease, drink a cup a day everyday. Moreover, you can have it twice a day, both after big meals. A cup of the breadfruit leaves tea that is consumed daily may also help curing the previously mentioned diseases mentioned before. It is also good to heal gout as diuretic to remove uric acid from the body.

Image via virboga.de

The vitamin B found in breadfruit leaves tea is good for brightening up mood and vitality. The camphor and tannins are great for healing inflammation and calming the mind. It also helps with allergic reactions, works as antispasmodic agent, and reduces swelling, redness and pain. But the use of camphor in large doses may cause a major health challenges so you might have to be careful for your drinking dose. Pregnant women and children are not advised to drink this herbal tea.

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