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7 Mei 2016 18:46

This is why twilight and midnight are considered mystical

There are three times that considered as a sacred, which are twilight, midnight and 3 a.m. Victoria Tunggono
This is why twilight and midnight are considered mystical

Brilio.net/en - There are three times that considered as a sacred, which are twilight, midnight and 3 a.m. Here are the explanations brilio.net gathered from several sources.

1. 6 p.m.
"Dont get out of the house, its 6 oclock. Its almost magrib now, might be the sentence you hear from parents in Indonesia, especially to warn their children. The time before and during the magrib is said to be the time where evil spirits wander. There are myths that say kolong wewe or sundel bolong, the mythical evil creatures, would kidnap children who play around this time. This is the myth that is known by Indonesian people, in which it is strictly forbidden to be outside of the house at 6 p.m.

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Actually, there is a logical explanation for this, as the colour of the sky turns reddish and the colour spectrum has the same resonance with demons and genies. Resonance is the wave of voice or the successions of events where a thing is shaking due to the electromagnetic wave from the outside. That is why at this moment the demons and genies are said to be most powerful. With this reason, it is better that people stay home to avoid them.

2. 12 a.m.
Many say that ghosts show up at midnight time. That is why the term of mysterious 12 a.m. becomes a myth. What makes midnight such a scary hour? Logically, the explanation is because night is associated with darkness. The blackened sky and shadows make people think that demons would come out at this time. Night becomes the suggestion of universe and is the time when days change. The time that shows the point 0 and where humans emotions are also at 0 level. The mystery of 12 a.m. is unavoidable because of the scary suggestion and the low emotional condition.

3. 3 a.m.
In Hollywood movies, 3 a.m. is said to be the right moment to exorcise evil spirits. Because that is the time the demons are at their most powerful phase. 3 a.m. is also the time where humans are at the deepest level of sleep. It is psychologically known as REM (Rapid Eye Movement), or when people are dreaming. People who have a habit of staying up late will have a different environment, as the brain power is at its lowest but the body is faced to stay awake. This would cause a number of sensations in the body. One of the results is what called Hag Phenomena or Sleep Paralysis.

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At this time, the body can feel a few sensations such as the inability to move hands or legs, inability to speak, a pressure on chest, terror or panic reactions, hallucination of hearing or visual and feelings. These sensations can be mixed with all beliefs, myths or stories that make people believe that someone is being possessed or disturbed by evil spirits. But actually its the mind playing tricks on itself that creates those demons and evil spirits.

Original article by Irwan Khoiruddin

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