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25 Maret 2016 14:37

These 14 real natural photos you might suspect are edited

It may be how you’ll react when you see these images below. Victoria Tunggono

Brilio.net/en - Have you ever seen a photograph that looks so bizarre you wont believe that its not edited? It may be how youll react when you see these images below. Brilio.net compiled 14 of the most bizarre photos from many sources that were thought to be fakebut in fact they were just captured at the right moment.

1. Australian sand dust that looks like a giant pint of beer

9 Disney princesses reimagined as sexy and exotic in these photos

2. Two fishermen rowing a boat on a lake full of algae in China

27 Impressive photos you won’t believe aren’t Photoshopped

3. These trees look like the background of a sci-fi movie, while in fact they were really cut straight.

4. An optical illusion on the yard of Paris City Hall that looks like giant globe but is actually flat.

5. The small guy on the left is not the Ant-Man. Its a matter of position.

6. It looks that the boat was flying but its just floating on super clear water.

7. The tornado and rainbow combo really happened in Kansas. Want to go to Oz Wonderland?

8. Its not a Kraken monster. Its seaweed inside the wave!

9. The red at the bottom was caused by toxic waste disposal in Hungary in 2010.

10. This curvy glitch railroad in New Zealand happened because of an earthquake.

11. The Bolivian salt flat make you seem as if walking on the water.

12. At first you might think its an UFO, but its actually a cloud.

13. Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer really played on water tennis field.

14. The cartoon-like scratch is actually a unique art installation in New Zealand.

Original article by Ines Faradina

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