- When deciding to go to college , someone usually tells their parents. This is to get moral and financial support. Moral support from parents is very important because it can provide the motivation and self-confidence needed while studying. Meanwhile, financial support is certainly no less influential considering the fairly high tuition fees.
But not the woman in this video. For 4 years he did not tell his father that he was studying.
This woman named Nurhikmah talked about the reasons why she didn't tell her father. He started to remember the times when he was still in elementary school. At that time he had dropped out of school because his parents had no money.
photo: TikTok/@nurhikmah060
However, he secretly continued his studies until he was finally able to get his elementary school diploma . Of course it doesn't stop there, Nurhikmah also wants to continue her studies at junior high school. But unfortunately, her parents have made it clear that they have no money for Nurhikmah.
"I then continued to junior high school even though my parents were clear that they couldn't afford to send me to school," he wrote. Reporting from TikTok @nurhikmah060 on Saturday (3/8).
photo: TikTok/@nurhikmah060
However, he did not give up on this condition. He continued to insist until his parents gave in and tried to get Nurhikmah to go to junior high school. But unfortunately, in the end he had difficulty getting his middle school or even high school diploma because his parents couldn't settle some of the arrears.
After various struggles, he finally decided to go to college. However, Nurhikmah did not tell her father about this decision. Currently he only has a father because his mother has died.
It is known that his father is now in the elderly category. He is no longer physically strong enough to work. Because of this, Nurhikmah chose to become the breadwinner of the family and work as a courier.
However, for the sake of his dreams, he is willing to divide his focus between work and study. He worked hard to get everything fulfilled. At this moment the father was not aware, all he knew was that his son was leaving every day to go to work.
photo: TikTok/@nurhikmah060
"I dared to go to college even though my position at that time was only working as a courier because when my mother died, my father was no longer working because he was getting older and stronger," he wrote.
How surprised her father was when he saw that Nurhikmah now had a bachelor's degree. In the video, you can see the emotional moment when he comes to his father and kisses his feet. Tears of emotion also broke out at that moment.
"4 years of college without the father's knowledge and the father found out that his son was a graduate after his graduation day," said Nurhikmah.
This story then went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many of course were touched by what Nurhikmah had gone through. They flocked to offer prayers in the comments column.
photo: TikTok/@nurhikmah060
"I used to be very rich, like my sister, I could work while studying, but fate required me to work to help my parents who were sending my younger siblings to school, in my parents' position, 2 of them didn't work, my brother also worked at high school, my family also said that," said the account @alena
"Hopefully you get your dream job. The salary is good, the environment is good, amen, amen," wrote the account @spillbeauty.
"I can't talk about my father, my father is already in heaven, seeing this reminds me of the last graduation moment, where I had to fight for another year but instead left before accompanying the second graduation," said the account @kalanjengking.
"You're great for not relaxing your finances with your father. I hope you get a good job and make your father happy, sis. I'm touched," commented the account @indahrizma