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15 Agustus 2024 13:45

The moment of the office is conjured up like a marriage ceremony during the celebration of independence, the theme is Betawi custom

Independence Day is always full of excitement~ Muhammad Rizki Yusrial

Brilio.net - The Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day is just a few days away. Usually many people are preparing to hold various events in celebration of the independence. This is done as a form of pride and respect for the struggle of the nation and past heroes.

That's what an office did in this video. They seemed to enliven the independence event with an unusual theme. The appearance can be seen through the TikTok video posted by the account @hadeulife.

In the video, they appear to be employees at one of the e-commerce companies operating in Indonesia . This office held a truly total event, starting from the yellow coconut leaf decoration, bridal makeup, to Betawi traditional ornaments.

photo: TikTok/@hadeulife

It was written that there were two employees who were matched at the event. Both were named Nathan and Celli. The wedding venue was designed exactly like a wedding event.

They ordered mini yellow coconut leaves to be placed indoors, complete with a board with the names of the 'bride and groom' and the slogan #CELImiTHANselamanya. In addition, Betawi decorations and 'wedding photos' whose faces had been edited with the faces of the 'bride and groom' also decorated the event.

Because it uses Betawi customs , the room is decorated with coconut flowers. Don't forget there are colorful flags that decorate the ceiling of the room. Not only that, even the employees also wear Betawi traditional clothes.

photo: TikTok/@hadeulife

"Suddenly invited to a wedding," wrote the account as reported by brilio.net on Thursday (15/8).

In addition, the bride and groom were accompanied by a number of people using musical instruments such as drums. The figure named Nathan did appear wearing a wedding dress. Beside him was a woman holding hands. On her clothes was written 'Mrs. CCP', while next to her was a man who was parodied as Mr. CCP.

Before meeting the bride, the office also held a pantun reciprocation process. In addition, as is the Betawi tradition, there was also a dexterity show in front of the bride and groom. Other employees watched it around the room.

photo: TikTok/@hadeulife

In another corner, there is a decoration in the form of a Betawi traditional house that adds a unique atmosphere to the event. In addition, at the front of the decoration, a pair of ondel-ondel are displayed, which are icons of Betawi art. The presence of these cultural elements reflects the strong Betawi nuances that are intended to be highlighted.

Not only that, this event is also equipped with various kinds of food. After the pantun process and agility contest, the MC invites the groom to enter the bride's house. There are two other employee figures who appear as the bride's parents.

Even though it was just for fun, the event was lively and boisterous. There was even a flower throwing session like a typical wedding procession. All employees other than the bride and groom scrambled to grab the flowers that were flown in the air.

photo: TikTok/@hadeulife

This celebration moment then went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many praised the atmosphere of the office which was so exciting. In addition, not a few also saluted the HRD who supported the event.

" The environment that all corporate slaves dream of, " said the account @racunsopi.

" Sometimes I'm really jealous of making events like this, it means they are really supported by HRD, " wrote the account @alienmyhouse.

" It's okay to be that artistic, sis, " said the account @alahririskieu_

" Surprised that I had an idea like this for 17s and you made a visual of my idea come true, sis, " commented the account @risnasaff

" I'm from Betawi, seeing something like this makes me feel like joining the in-laws, " wrote the account @gofar.

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