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23 Agustus 2024 03:00

The correct way of prayer, accompanied by intention, priority, and law

Praying wishes is not just a ritual, but a real form of a person's faith. Niko Sulpriyono
The correct way of prayer, accompanied by intention, priority, and law

Brilio.net - In life, we are often faced with situations that require help and guidance from Allah. When the prayers we pray feel insufficient, performing the hajat prayer is one highly recommended way to get closer to Him and ask for help. The hajat prayer , as a sunnah worship, offers a spiritual path for every Muslim to gain ease in solving problems or realizing certain desires. However, in order for this hajat prayer to be performed correctly and bring benefits, it is important to understand the procedures, intentions, virtues, and laws of its implementation.

Hajat prayer is not just a ritual, but is a real manifestation of a servant's faith and submission to his God. Through this prayer, a Muslim is taught to always depend on Allah in every matter, big or small. Therefore, a correct understanding of how to perform prayer prayers, from the intention to the prayer, is very important so that this worship can be carried out solemnly and according to the guidance.

Hajat prayer is one of the sunnah prayers that can be performed by Muslims to ask for help or make things easier in life. In everyday life, you are often faced with various problems or needs that require Allah's help. Hajat prayer is an effective way to pray and ask for His help in such situations. This article will discuss in full how to properly perform hajat prayer, starting from the intention, virtues, to the law of its implementation.

Hajat prayer is performed with a specific purpose, be it to ask for guidance, help, or a solution from Allah. The virtue of hajat prayer is very great, especially for those who are truly consistent in doing it. By understanding the correct procedures for implementation, it is hoped that this worship can bring benefits and answer your needs. Therefore, brilio.net will review the steps of hajat prayer in accordance with sharia, as well as provide a deep understanding of the intention and virtue of this worship.

The correct way to pray the hajat prayer

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The way to perform the hajat prayer is generally similar to other sunnah prayers. Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Intention

As with other prayers, intention is the first and most important thing. The intention of the hajat prayer can be said in the heart with the aim of getting closer to Allah and asking for His help. The readings that can be said when starting the intention of the hajat prayer are as follows:

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Ushall sunnatal jati rak'ataini ad'an lillhi ta'l.

It means:

"I deliberately perform the sunnah prayer of need two rakaat in full because of Allah SWT."

2. The Takbiratul Ihram

After making the intention, start with takbiratul ihram, which is raising both hands and saying "Allahu Akbar".

3. Rakaat

The hajat prayer consists of two rakaats. In the first rakaat, after reciting Surah Al-Fatihah, it is advisable to recite a surah of your choice from the Quran, such as Surah Al-Ikhlas or Surah Al-Kafirun. In the second rakaat, repeat the same steps with a different surah.

4. Bowing and Prostration

After reading the surah, do ruku solemnly and then prostrate. Make sure in the prostrate position you recite a special prayer according to your needs.

5. Final Tasyahud

After the final prostration, sit in the final tasyahud position and recite the tasyahud prayer. End with a greeting.

The virtue of the hajat prayer

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The hajat prayer has several advantages that are worth knowing:

1. Make things easier

Hajat prayer can help make things easier and solve problems in life. By doing this prayer, you expect Allah's help in facing various difficulties.

2. Get rewards

Every sunnah worship performed sincerely will receive a reward from Allah. Hajat prayer is a form of worship that brings rewards and blessings.

3. Increase faith

By performing prayer regularly, a person's faith will become stronger and trust in Allah will increase.

The law of praying the hajat prayer

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Hajat prayer is a sunnah prayer that is recommended, but not obligatory. Performing this prayer is part of worship that can bring benefits and goodness in life. Although not required, performing hajat prayer is highly recommended especially when facing problems or important needs.

By understanding the correct way to pray the prayer, as well as its intentions, priorities and laws, it is hoped that this worship can be carried out solemnly and obtain optimal benefits. Hajat prayer is one way to get closer to Allah and ask for His help in every aspect of life. May Allah make all your affairs easy and accept the worship you do.

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