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28 Februari 2016 14:00

The beneficial side of beer that can enhance your studying quality

When consumed in moderate amount, beer has its benefits that are actually useful, notably for enhancing study performance. Victoria Tunggono
The beneficial side of beer that can enhance your studying quality © yorkshirepost

Brilio.net/en - Everything in moderation, as the saying goes. Even for the good stuff, if consumed in excessive amount it wont bring a good thing to us. Despite its negative health effects, beer isnt an exception. When its consumed in excess, beer will give you a serious hangover and some beer belly. Based on 2013 study by Keele University, UK, hangovers impair the ability to think clearly and do simple arithmetic, in addition to slowing reaction time.

But when consumed in moderate amount, beer has its benefits that are actually useful, notably for enhancing study performance. So you dont have to feel too guilty the next time you are invited to some happy hour before studying because of the following reasons:

1. Alcohol can improve your creativity

Alcohol is proven to help you let loose, therefore making you of about a little more creative. A study conducted by University of Illinois, USA, stated that people who have alcohol in their blood content about .075 are more creative than those who dont have any in their blood. The study was conducted on 40 men. But their actual memory capacity was better then they hadnt had anything to drink.

So the best thing to do is to consume a little bit of beer whenever you have to do something creative but dont take any when youre studying for tests. Just a little bit, thats the key!

2. Alcohol can make you smarter

Believe it or not, a moderate consumption of alcohol can make your brain sharp over time. Another study done in 2011 found that ethanol (or as you know it by its common name alcohol) helps the neurons in your brain protect against the development of dementia in Alzheimers and Parkinsons diseases.

3. Alcohol can even help you beat that annoying cold

We can never predict when sickness will strike us, but mostly it hits us at the most inconvenient time, like when your final exam are just days away. Good news is, some alcohol could help in curing the sickness, like whiskey.

If you are having sore throat, try adding a spoonful of whiskey to a cup of warm water and gargling it to numb your throat. Add a teaspoon of honey to the mix if you want to have a soothing feel. If you have time to do an experiment, try making a whiskey cherry smoothie that also contains of Vitamin C.

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