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19 Juni 2024 16:41

The Aisyiyah Mushola is unique and historic, a 102 year old prayer room for women only

The prayer room, which was founded in 1922, is all women Brilio.net
The Aisyiyah Mushola is unique and historic, a 102 year old prayer room for women only foto: brilio.net/Himmatul Ahsana

Brilio.net - As a country with a majority Muslim population, the existence of mosques as places of worship is certainly spread across various regions. Not only is it used as a place of prayer, but the mosque also functions as a place for teaching and learning and a place for deliberation. Performing worship at the mosque is a plus point in itself because the reward value is greater.

In Islam, especially for men, it is preferred to perform congregational prayers in the mosque . Meanwhile, it is preferred for women to pray at home, although there is no prohibition on performing congregational prayers at the mosque. On several occasions, irresponsible individuals often harass women even inside mosques.

Not only that, some mosques have facilities that are less friendly for women. For example, ablution places are not closed enough for women, so they are less comfortable to use. However, it is different from the prayer room in Kauman Village, Yogyakarta . Built in 1922, the Aisyiyah Prayer Room is specifically intended for women.

The establishment of the prayer room emerged from the idea of KH. Ahmad Dahlan, founder of Muhammadiyah, was aware of the problem of women's limitations in praying in mosques. This motivated her to establish a prayer room specifically for women which is expected to provide a sense of security and comfort for women.

photo: brilio.net/Himmatul Ahsana

With initial (development) capital of IDR 12 thousand that year, the establishment of the Aisyiyah Prayer Room was also a form of KH's attention. Ahmad Dahlan regarding women's rights to be present and active in mosques. Apart from that, at that time the issue of religious education for women was still limited and underdeveloped.

This Islamic figure, whose birth name is Muhammad Darwis, also wants the establishment of the Aisyiyah Prayer Room to bring deeper attention for Muslims to pay attention to religious progress for women as the successors of civilization. As the name suggests, the takmirs from Mushola Aisyiyah are all women.

Chaired by Ismiyati who is 65 years old, Sri Suratun as chairman 2 who is 74 years old, and Sumarni as treasurer who is 68 years old. Even though they have now entered old age, those who become prayer prayer takmir are still productive in taking care of various prayer room needs and activities. Apart from their activities, they are also retirees who are also housewives, and are the leaders of the Aisyiyah branch.

photo: brilio.net/Himmatul Ahsana

Yes, here we are happy to have children, sis. "Make provisions for the afterlife," said Sri Suratun to the brilio.net team recently.

For information, Aisyiyah is an autonomous organization founded by Muhammadiyah on May 19 1917 by Nyai Ahmad Dahlan (wife of KH. Ahmad Dahlan). This autonomous organization was founded as a forum for Muhammadiyah women who are active in the social, educational, health and religious fields. Like prayer rooms in general, the Aisyiyah Prayer Room also has routine activities that are daily, weekly and monthly.

Apart from the five daily congregational prayers, the Aisyiyah Mushola also holds group tadarusan every Sunday night and dawn study on Sundays. Sri Suratun, as chairman of 2 takmir, hopes that with the cadre formation of this young generation, it can become a management relay for the takmir musala in the future.

"We are looking for the next generation so that the young people can fill in the current studies," said Sri Suratun.

Another unique thing about this prayer room is the time when the call to prayer is heard. Even though the takmir of the prayer room and the imam of each congregational prayer are women, it is different when giving the call to prayer. Not only that, because the prayer room's congregation are women, when Friday prayers arrive, this activity is canceled.

"We still use the one from the Gedhe Kauman Mosque for the call to prayer. Later, in the prayer room, only the iqomah remains. "Every Friday, we don't pray Friday prayers, but pray midday prayers in congregation," explained Ismiyati, as head of the takmir of the Aisyiyah Mushola.

photo: brilio.net/Himmatul Ahsana

The congregation of the Aisyiyah Prayer Room is open to the public. Even though the average congregation is women from Kauman and surrounding areas, if there are men who want to visit and pray, they have to do so outside of congregational prayer times. Even though it is small, this prayer room is equipped with facilities that are elderly and child friendly.

With many elderly people congregating, the Aisyiyah prayer room is equipped with chairs which make it easier for the elderly to continue praying together comfortably. In fact, this prayer room is deliberately not equipped with air conditioning, to make it more elderly friendly. Not only seniors, this prayer room is also friendly for children. This is to make it easier for mothers who have small children to remain comfortable worshiping in congregation.

Since it was founded 102 years ago, the Aisyiyah Prayer Room has not experienced many changes to its building. Even though the ceramics of this prayer room have been changed several times, it has not changed much about its authentic and historic impression. Giving the impression of peace and comfort, worshiping at the Aisyiyah prayer room also retraces the long history of the establishment of this prayer room to glorify and provide attention to women.

photo: brilio.net/Himmatul Ahsana

Ismiyati, Sri Suratun, and Sumarni feel proud of the presence of the Aisyiyah Prayer Room in the community. Of course, with this prayer room, women will have a safe and comfortable place to discuss and gather. Sri Suratun hopes that in the future there will be better cadres who will be able to prosper the Aisyiyah Prayer Room so that women remain empowered and progress, starting from the comfort of worship.

Intern/Himmatul Ahsana

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