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13 September 2016 12:14

Taruna Ikrar: The Indonesian Nominated For A Nobel Prize

A doctor and inventor. Sabar Artiyono
Taruna Ikrar: The Indonesian Nominated For A Nobel Prize

Brilio.net/en - Indonesian medicine is getting more advance and now Taruna Ikrar has broughtthe countrys name into the international medical world with his research into the brain, nervous system and the heart. Now, he is nominated in Nobel Prize 2016.

Born in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Taruna is an alumnus of Hasanuddin University. He continued studying pharmacology at theUniversity of Indonesia. After that, he got a scholarship from the Japanese government to finish his PhD. He also joined a visiting doctors program in Italy and later, he finished his postdoctoral at theUniversity of California, Irvine,where he lectures and conducts research, inventing machines and systems used at institutions like Harvard University.

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Ofall inventions, we have about 54 important inventions and two of them have been patented. he told Voice of America.

Hisfirst patented inventions are Laser Photo-stimulation and Voltage Sensitive Day Imaging. They are used to study theinteraction ofnerve cells. His second patent isOpto-genetics Imaging, which uses light to helpdiagnose brain conditions.

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UC Irvine nominated him for a Nobel Prize.

Winners are announced in October.

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