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22 Oktober 2015 18:00

Still Life: Discovering the Life of the Asmat Tribe

The cultural diversity of Indonesia is an endowment like no other and that includes the Asmat Tribe of West Papua. Nur Romdlon
Still Life: Discovering the Life of the Asmat Tribe

Brilio.net/en - The Asmat Tribe is one of the biggest tribes in Papua. Most of the Asmat lives bordering the Mappi, Yohukimo, and Jayawijaya Tribes. Aside from living near the coastline, the Asmat also inhabits the hinterlands of Papua.

One thing that has made the Asmat renowned is their unique woodcarvings. In order to introduce the Asmat tribes life, SATUNAMA, an organization which engages in social empowerment held an exhibition entitled Mengeja Asmat or Spelling Out the Asmat, on 12-18 August, 2015 in Java Poetri Yogyakarta.

Ardian Pratama, a staff of SATUNAMA, said that this exhibition is held as a step to give society in general a glimpse of the Asmats culture.

For five years, SATUNAMA had sent their members to go to Asmat areas where members on duty were rotated, said Ardian to brilio.net, Friday (14/8).

The photography exhibition showcases the work of five activists who had a chance to live among the Asmats in the hinterlands of Papua. The activists were Maria Sucianingsih, Asep Nanda Paramayana, Peter P. Sarkol, Vallens Aji Sayekti, and Ronaldus Mbrak.

The photographs on display tells many stories filled with uniqueness of each Asmat tribe. The photographers hoped to capture the daily lives of the tribespeople thats full of adventure. Here are several photographs displayed in this exhibition:

The women believe that wearing make-up from mud will increase their beauty.

There is no fear for the children of Asmat. This photograph depicts the innocence and nakedness of the children in Asmat which are considered to be a part of nature.

In every Asmat village, there is a long shape house named Rumah Bujang or a bachelors house used as a gathering place.

The sport of the Asmat Tribe

The efforts to go to school is harder than children from other areas

Sago is the primary food as well as rice and corn in certain areas.

If there is a relative who dies, the funeral is usually located near the house. They believe that the body is dead but the spirit is alive and will always be close to them.

They have to wait for days to get fuel sent by Helicopter.

Hunting is an inherent part of the Asmats daily life

The welcome dance performed by the Asmat

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