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3 Februari 2016 13:00

Robots can read personalities, and respond accordingly

Social robots hold great promise for improving the quality of life of the elderly, individuals with physical impairment and cognitive disorders.
Robots can read personalities, and respond accordingly Photo: Sean Andrist

Brilio.net/en - A future run by robots may no be so distant after all. Science has given us robot receptionist who are able to directly respond to human, robot teachers, and even robot lovers. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence, man-made artefacts could shape our society. Another step in the right direction is a robot that is able to figure out a humans personality. Using social cues that the robot interprets through the bespoke algorithm, it is able to figure out what kind of personality its counterpart has and how best to interact with that person. Surely a few more people could use this skill themselves.

The bespoke algorithm in this case is mainly dependent on one critical factor whether youre an introvert or an extrovert. Introverts tend to main less eye contact than their counterpart the extroverts, and the robot, like most humans, can read this and is able to respond accordingly. Upon testing the robots, the study found that human participants were far more likely to comply with robots that matched their own personality.

While its nice to have a robot friend, the AIs could possibly serve a much higher purpose, especially in the areas of rehabilitation. "In the area of rehabilitation, social robots hold great promise for improving the quality of life of the elderly, individuals with physical impairment, and those with cognitive disorders," wrote Sean Andrist, the creator of the robot from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "They offer a particularly powerful way of improving motivation and compliance in rehabilitation settings due to their physical embodiment and ability to use nonverbal communication channels."

Photo: Sean Adrtist

Technology is evolving at an exponential rate, and out future surely holds robots in it, whether its Amazon seeking robot employment, Japan opening the first robot farm or robot employees for the elderly. Some may even be smarter than your average person. In Germany, a robot called PR2 is learning how to prepare pancakes and pizzas by carefully reading through WikiHow articles. By teaching the robots how to interpret written directions, scientists are hoping to explore the different ways that robots understand language and therefore their capabilities to interact with humans.

Photo: AFP/Getty Image

Photo: AFP/Getty Image

(Reported by Ivana Lucic)

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