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10 Agustus 2016 20:12

Police officers uplift lonely elderly couple in Rome home

The series of events began to unfold when someone at a block of flats in Rome panicked after hearing loud cries at a home in his neighborhood. Sahil Nathani
Police officers uplift lonely elderly couple in Rome home

Brilio.net/en -As police officers made their way into a home in Rome, they didnt know what to expect at all. Upon arrival, they were stunned with what they discovered. 94-year old Michele and his 84-year old wife Jole were witnessed crying out of their loneliness. What came after that was something so special and heartwarming.

While the police officers were waiting for an ambulance to arrive at the couples home, one of them decided to prepare a meal for them. He made some spaghetti for them, topped with butter and parmesan. During that time, the other three officers were engaging in a conversation with the couple.

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As it turned out, Jole had burst into tears after his wife asked him why there was so much hate in the news. Unfortunate state of affairs had been making the news that day. The officers also revealed that the poor couple was in a lonely state. There had been nobody visiting them in a very long time, triggering the sadness at home. All they depended on for company was just their television set, literally. With all that in place, he cried out loudly, prompting a nearby resident to call the cops.

The police officers who were a part of this unique experience came up with an interesting conclusion. They said that while this was no ordinary case to report on, it was one that actually posed a greater challenge on them, which was to instill a sense of belonging within the couple. Well, how they responded was priceless!

Rome police shared this story on the city's official police force Facebook page, sparking plenty of praises.

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