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8 Februari 2017 15:45

Police, Religious Leaders Urge Public Not To Join Feb. Rallies

Jakarta Police will not issue a permit for the rallies. Tunggul Kumoro
Police, Religious Leaders Urge Public Not To Join Feb. Rallies © AP/Dita Alangkara

Police and leaders of major Islamic organizations urged the public not to join rallies that are planned for Feb. 11, 12 and 15 in Jakarta.

The rallies are organized by The Muslim People Forum (FUI) and The National Movement to Safeguard Indonesian Ulema Councils Fatwa (GNPF MUI). The organizers claimed that the march, titled March to Defend the Religion and Ulema, will be a fun, non-political morning walk event.

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However, Jakarta Police announced that they will not issue a permit for the rallies.

"We will forbid any long march because it can disturb public facilities and cause congestion," said Jakarta Police Spokesman Sr. Comr. Argo Yuwono on Tuesday.

Argo added that the decision was taken because they want to maintain conducive situation during the cooling off period, which will take place from Feb. 12 to 14.

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So, we expect the cooling-off period to be secure and sterile from any rally, he said. We will not issue the permit and will disperse the crowd (if the organizers insist to conduct the rally).

Meanwhile, Indonesias biggest Islamic organizations announced that they will not take part in the rallies.

Nadhlatul Ulama Chairman Maaruf Amin said that his organization has nothing to do with the rallies.

Its the organizers business, not ours, he said on Tuesday. Its a cooling-off period, so we have to be calm.

Muhammadiyah Chairman Haedar Nashir advised its member not to join.

Those rally, especially nearing the regional elections, its better not to join them, he said on Tuesday.

The rallies are an act of democracy in our country, where we can speak our mind. Its not forbidden. However, in current situation, especially nearing the regional election on Feb. 15, we urge all party to hold themselves. Lets create a condition where we can share and solve our problems in maturity.

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