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11 November 2016 10:13

NU Scholar Kiai As'ad Named A National Hero

The title was bestowed in a special program at the Presidential Palace this week. Rizky Mandasari
NU Scholar Kiai As'ad Named A National Hero

Brilio.net/en - President Joko Widodo on Wednesday bestowed the title of national hero to Nahdlatul Ulama's (NU) great scholar KHR Asad Syamsul Arifin in a special event held at the Presidential Palace.

The president also announced it on his official Twitter account:

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Image viatwitter/@jokowi

The title of National Hero of the Year is granted to NU figure, the late K.H.R. Asad Syamsul Arifin.

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As cited from the page of nu.or.id, KHR Asad Syamsul Arifin received the title for his role in fighting for Indonesia's independence and for doing so by way of education, having built an Islamic learning school in 1914 that gave everyone, even the poorest, a space to learn.

Image viaudengjawa.wordpress.com

Kiai Asad was the son of Raden Ibrahim and Siti Maimunah, both of whom came fromPamekasan Madura. His grandfather was Raden Saleh, famously known as K. H. Syamsul Arifin who was adescendant of Sunan Ampel, one of the nine saints of Islam in Indonesia. Meanwhile, his mother was the descendant of Sunan Kudus.

At the end, Kiai Asad served as Mustayar (Advisory Board) in PBNU. He was also the one of NUs founders and he once became a constituent member in 1957-1959.

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