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2 Desember 2015 15:21

No Photoshop: 5 oldest photos of UFO sightings

These pictures were taken when when Photoshop or special effects hasn’t been discovered yet Tunggul Kumoro
No Photoshop: 5 oldest photos of UFO sightings Oldest photos of UFO sightings. ©Ufocasebook

Brilio.net/en - Since the era of the Sumerians, the oldest civilization on Earth that originated from 4500 BC, signs of the existence of aliens and UFOs (Unidentified Flying Object) had been already documented. Likewise, hundreds of years later, humans with their newly-invented cameras began capturing UFO sightings.

Brilio.net/en has compiled several photos of the UFO sightings in the past, precisely in the early 19th and 20th century; a time when Photoshop or special effects hasnt been discovered yet.

1. Los angeles UFO (1942)

On February 25, 1942 at 02:25 AM local time, the people of Los Angeles, California, USA was startled by the sound of sirens. At first, people were afraid that it was a sign of a Japanese attack because it was just a few months after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

But instead of Japanese aircrafts, what people saw in the sky was an unidentified flying object hovering over the city. The citizen were immediately instructed to turn off all the lights of their homes.

At 03:16, the anti-aircraft guns were used to shoot down the unidentified flying object which came from the sea. The authorities then pointed the spotlight into the sky and that was when many people saw small objects covered in red or silver flying in formation at high altitudes and speed.

The UFO sightings was then captured in pictures and it became one of the most popular UFO photos in history.

2. George Sutton UFO (1932)

A man named George Sutton was probably one of the luckiest man on earth, because he had his picture taken with an UFO in May 1932 in St. Paris, Ohio.

An object like a flying saucer appeared suddenly in the sky. Many thought this mysterious object was a street light. But the theory was unproven because there was no light or power pole seen in the picture.

The owner of this photo also stated that there was no electric street lights along this path in 1932. Finally, none could explain explain a dark object seen on the upper left side of the photo. We could exactly know that the picture was taken in 1932 by seeing the car license plate in this picture.

3. Colorado Sawmill UFO (1929)

The photo of UFO sighting in Colorado, USA, had also become one of the worlds most-discussed topic. The story began in April 1929 when Edward Pline intended to take a picture of a sawmil near his house.

When he was about to take the picture, he suddenly heard a roaring sound followed by the appearance of a large round object moving.

According to Edwards son, Hetty Plane, none of sawmill workers saw the UFO in the photo, but they all heard the noise and felt the ground shake intensely.

4. Mount Washington UFO (1870)

The picture taken at Mount Washington, New Hampshire, was mentioned as one of the oldest photos of a UFO in history.

It should be noted the photo was taken using a stereo camera which is extremely difficult to manipulate. The stereo camera is a camera with two or more lenses with a separate image sensors or film frames for each lens.

Besides, airplanes werent invented yet because the Wright Brothers flew the first engined aircraft in 1903.

Due to its validity, this photo was successfully sold at very high price on Ebay in 2002 for more than IDR 5 billion. The picture was bought by Samuel M. Sherman, the president of International Pictures Corp.

5. The Orbs of Hull UFO (1801)

Recently, a historian in Hull, England found a picture of the worlds oldest alien sightings from 1801. At that time, the city was only inhabited by 27,000 people.

It could be seen from the photo, there are two Orbs or spherical luminous object in the skies of Hull on June 19. According to Mike Covell, a historian of Hull, the UFO was shaped like a moon and emited blue light throughout the whole city before finally dispersed into 5 to 7 small orbs flying in the sky.

Covell himself found the photo after conducting a research on photo of old Hull local newspapers.

Source: Daily Mail, ufocasebook

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