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24 Oktober 2015 11:11

Museum tours in Jogja are more exciting! A night at the museum anyone?

Yogyakarta’s Night at the Museum community schedules three gatherings each month. Nur Romdlon
Museum tours in Jogja are more exciting! A night at the museum anyone?

Brilio.net/en - A group of university students from the Gadjah Mada Unviersity in Yogyakarta has established a community in which they call themselves Night at the Museum. This effort according to the students, is their attempt to attract more interest from the general public to visit museums.

Erwin Djunaedi (23), the chairman of the Yogyakarta Night at The Museum community revealed that this community was actually formed from the Students Creativity Program in Entrepreneurship (PKM- K) in 2012. At that time, he and his four friends wanted to package museum tours to be more attractive. . Inspired from the Night at the Museum movie starring by Ben Stiller, they then created a similar theming program.

Yogyakarta Night at the Museum was initially set as a nonprofit oriented program. At that time, the responses were good. Every time we held an event, it was always participated by more than 50 people, said Erwin when brilio.net met him in Fort Vredeburg, Thursday (13/8).

At that time, they actually hesitated to make a museum adventure program at night because there was no museum opened at night. They then proposed their program to the Fort Vredeburg administrator. Fortunately, the program was well received by the people in charge accepted their idea of opening the fort at night. As time goes by, other museums such as the Sandi Museum, Kolong Tangga Museum, and the Indonesian Air Force Museum were also willing to open the museum at night.

By the end of 2013, the community had made a morning program called Jelajah Museum or Museum Adventure. Moreover, they also made a museum tour program for children and their parents named Family day at the Museum.

The latest of his creations is called Jelajah Heritage (Heritage Adventure). The concept is that we make any areas in the city with heritage value as a living museum. For example Malioboro. The famous street actually has a rich history and we can consider it a living museum, said the student of Historical Science who is also a Museum Ambassador DIY 2014

Yogyakarta Night at the Museum schedules three gatherings each a month: Night at the Museum, Jelajah Museum, Family Day at Museum, and Outbound Sejarah (Historical Outbound). The participants who join this program come from various ages and professions.

The community is trying to figure out a new identity because the program is not only limited to night time adventures now. The new name will be revealed along with the communitys 3rd anniversary later this year.

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