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9 Februari 2017 15:40

Latest Survey Shows Ahok-Djarot Still Top Jakarta Election

The result is similar to other survey conducted last month. Tunggul Kumoro
Latest Survey Shows Ahok-Djarot Still Top Jakarta Election Incumbent Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama and Deputy Governor Djarot Saiful. © 2017 brilio.net/Jefri Aries

A recent survey shows incumbent Basuki 'Ahok' Tjahaja Purnama and Djarot Saiful are still leading the race with the highest electability among three candidates running for Jakarta's governor and deputy governor post.

The survey was conducted by Kompas Research and Development on Jan. 28 to Feb. 4 and the result was published earlier today.

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Ahok-Djarot's electability increased bymore than 3 percent, from 33 percent in December surveyto 36.2 percent now.

Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno takethe second place. The pair showed significant rise, from 19.5 percent to 28.5 percent.

Meanwhile,Agus Yudhoyono-Sylviana Murni, who initially topped almost all polls, reside in the lastplace with 28.2 percent. The pair's electability decreased by 8.9 percent from 37.1 percent last period.

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This survey shows similar result to another survey on electability held by Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting in late January.

Syamsuddin Harris, a senior researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), toldKompasthat the survey indicates the impact of debates held by the General Elections Comission on voters' preference as atotal of 28.4 percent of respondents changed their choiceafter watching the debates.

Furthermore, considering the narrow gap between three candidates and the remaining 7.1 percent of undecided voters, the third debate on Friday would be quitedecisive and impactful to voters' final decision.

The Kompas surveywas conducted face-to-face with 804 respondents spread in six cities/districts in Jakarta. The research method used was systematic sampling from the Jakarta final voter list, with 3.46 percent margin of error and 95 percent confidence level.

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