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9 Februari 2016 11:00

Jakarta traffic jam problems to be solved by Japanese university

The program will be focusing on development and innovation of urban layout and planning in the Asian large economy countries. Victoria Tunggono
Jakarta traffic jam problems to be solved by Japanese university jurnalotaku.com

Brilio.net/en - Asia University in Musashino, Tokyo, Japan, just promoted one of its faculties through an anime ad. They are using Jakarta traffic problem to be the case study and one of its alumni is trying to solve it by the knowledge he gained from his study.

The 1:30 minutes of advertisement is opened with a scene that depicts the heavy traffic situation in Jakarta in the year 2025 and some people are discussing about the solution. One of the people is Satoshi Sakurada (voiced by Subaru Kimura) who went to school at Asia University in 2016. He then recalls the memory of his school years in civil engineering faculty where he was studying about GPS, security camera, and other technology. The ad ended with a scene in 2027 where Sakuradas idea for the traffic system had been applied and the problems had been solved.

The Asia University Urban Innovation (AUI) faculty is going to be established in the upcoming April 2016. The program will be focusing on development and innovation of urban layout and planning in the Asian large economy countries, such as China, Thailand and Indonesia. They are hoping that those countries would adopt the solution from this new faculty to solve various urban problems such as slum area, pollution and traffic.

The idea of using Jakarta as their study case may make some of Indonesian people proud, but this is also a warning that the traffic jam in Jakarta has become unbearable and there are still no way out to solve it. Perhaps more of Indonesian students should be sent to go and study in Asia University to help building its own country.

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