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2 Mei 2016 18:06

India to turns 3D street-art to reduce road-related deaths

“We are trying out 3D paintings used as virtual speed breakers to avoid unnecessary requirements of speed breakers.” Retno Wulandari
India to turns 3D street-art to reduce road-related deaths © madbutcher

Brilio.net/en - Instead of using thousands of speed-bumps or placing dozens of patrolmen on every intersection, Indias transport minister Nitin Gadkari is using 3D street art to fight against dangerous speedy drivers.

We are trying out 3D paintings used as virtual speed breakers to avoid unnecessary requirements of speed breakers, Gadkari said in a tweet recently.

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Image via boredpanda

As you can see in the pictures, these optical illusions are surely eye-catching. We will definitely slow down if were driving towards what looks like a floating pedestrian crossing, wont we?

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The brilliant idea comes after an earlier decision about removing all speed-bumps from highways across India. But they then realized that they posed too much of a danger to high-speed drivers, so the government began looking for safer alternatives.

Image via boredpanda

They hope the 3D paintings will help to reduce road traffic accidents, and also to reduce road-related deaths in the world. Currenly India has the highest number of road-accident deaths in the world.

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