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22 Februari 2024 07:45

How to get a job on LinkedIn easily, guaranteed you won't be unemployed for long

Getting a job on a job search application will be very fast and easy if you know the methods and steps. Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
How to get a job on LinkedIn easily, guaranteed you won't be unemployed for long foto: freepik.com/thanyakij-12; freepik.com/rawpixel.com

Brilio.net - Finding work is not easy because currently there is a lot of competition. For this reason, everyone must have a lot of skills and experience to be able to qualify for their dream company with a high salary . However, your dream job is quite difficult to get quickly, especially for fresh graduates who don't have much work experience. Even though some jobs require applicants who have at least 1-2 years of experience in their field.

For your information, currently Indonesia has entered a recorded demographic bonus period starting from 2020 to 2035. This is due to an increase in the proportion of the population of productive age and a decrease in the proportion of the population of non-productive age during this period. With this period, competition will become tighter and your chances of getting a job will narrow if you don't have the skills.

Even though today's technology can be used to find work and make extra money, you still have to build your personal branding and portfolio first so that clients can believe in your abilities. You can create personal branding and showcase your portfolio on various platforms which will enable you to get jobs according to your skills.

There are many online job search applications that you can use to quickly find work. You can use applications such as JobStreet, Indeed, LinkedIn, careers.com, JobsDB, and many others. These various applications will offer many job vacancies according to the field you choose. Getting a job on a job search application will be very fast and easy if you know the methods and steps.

Of the various types of job search applications that have been mentioned, this time brilio.net will invite you to find out how to get a job from LinkedIn so you don't find yourself unemployed for a long time after finishing college. Check out the complete review as compiled by brilio.net from sharing sources on Wednesday (21/2).

1. Use a professional profile photo.

photo: freepik.com/KamranAydinov

When choosing a profile photo on LinkedIn, you must use a professional photo. Avoid posting a photo of a diploma or something that looks stiff like a passport photo, because professional doesn't mean it has to be formal. Wear neat and polite clothes, pay attention to the lighting in the photo and don't forget to choose a smiling photo.

2. Use professional headlines.

photo: freepik.com/benzoix

Use a professional headline by explaining your abilities in what field and the skills you have. You can maximize the use of headlines on LinkedIn with sizes that have been adjusted by LinkedIn.

3. Tell your story in a unique way.

photo: freepik.com

You can tell about yourself in the About Me section on LinkedIn. Try not to use templates that are usually provided by LinkedIn. Make yourself easy to remember and have unique characteristics that are different from other people so that recruiters are interested in responding to your profile.

4. Update your profile regularly.

photo: freepik.com/rawpixel.com

Don't forget to update your profile regularly so that recruiters can find out about your career journey or experience. This can be done by diligently uploading every activity you participate in or new skills you are learning.

5. Follow your dream company or agency.

photo: freepik.com/wayhomestudio

You may have a dream company or agency to work for, use LinkedIn to follow that company. Don't forget to do research to know and understand more about the company you want to apply to.

6. Use relevant keywords for bio optimization.

photo: freepik.com/upklyak

Optimize your LinkedIn bio with relevant keywords. Adjust it to your interests and skills, for example if you are looking for digital marketing work then write "Digital Marketing Enthusiast" in your profile bio.

7. Activate the open to work feature in your profile.

photo: freepik.com

Don't forget to activate the open to work feature on your LinkedIn profile to appear as a jobseeker. This feature will help recruiters prioritize you in the job and field you are applying for.

8. Actively communicate with recruiters.

photo: freepik.com/storyset

Don't forget to actively connect and communicate with recruiters. This will help you get jobs faster on LinkedIn and be more visible to recruiters than those who only focus on applying for jobs.

9. Make job application targets.

photo: freepik.com/8photo

Make a target for job applications in a day so that you can be consistent in submitting applications and create more job opportunities than others. You can take advantage of the "easy to apply" feature so you don't waste time when applying for jobs.

10. Don't forget to activate notifications.

photo: freepik.com/mithun1316

If you have made a target job application, don't forget to activate job notifications according to your target options so that you can immediately find out about every job vacancy related to your skills.

11. Complete your profile to the maximum.

photo: freepik.com

Fill in the work experience, educational experience, organizational experience, certifications, publications, skills sections, and ask some of your colleagues to provide recommendations. By maximizing the data in your profile, recruiters will be more interested in contacting you.

12. Collect endorsements.

photo: freepik.com

You can collect endorsements through relevant endorsements from your friends, bosses or clients. This method can really help you get a job via LinkedIn and make recruiters confident in your abilities.

13. Include a portfolio.

photo: freepik.com/pikisuperstar

Don't forget to create an attractive portfolio and show the results of your previous work. After that, include your portfolio on LinkedIn. This method is an attraction and added value for recruiters.

14. Create an elevator pitch.

photo: freepik.com/rawpixel.com

Make an elevator pitch or summary that contains your experience and background to persuade recruiters to contact you. You can fill in the elevator pitch in the profile summary section.

There are three questions that you can use as a guide in creating an elevator pitch, including:

- What value can you provide to the company?
- What makes you different?
- Write down relevant keywords so that your profile is easy for recruiters to find.

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