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9 Agustus 2016 14:48

Harry Potter’s newest instalment is already a bestseller

Like every book in the Harry Potter saga is a big hit, even if it was not written by J.K. Rowling. Celia Tholozan
Harry Potter’s newest instalment is already a bestseller

Brilio.net/en - In justthree days, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has beaten all sales records in the United Kingdom, it's home country. With 680,000 books sold, the adventures of the British wizard became the fastest-selling book of the decade, beating even 50 Shades of Grey in 2012, which hit660,000 copies in a week. In North America, more than 2 million copies weresold.

The story was initially inspired by a play that opened July 31in London and is co-written by J. K. Rowling, the author and creator of the fantastic world of Harry Potter and Jones Thorne, one of the scriptwriters of popular TV show Skins.

Technically, this book is not actually part of the Harry Potter saga, but more of a spinoff.J. K. Rowling has been asked many times and always givesthe same answer: she is done with Harry Potter.

Nine years after publishing of the last volume, this new novel was written by Thorne and widely inspired by Rowlings style. The action of the story takes place 19 years after the end of the last properHarry Potter book. Harry is now all grown up and him and his wife Ginny have three kids: James, Lily and Albus. The story focuses on the relationship between Harry and Albus, whos having trouble handlinghis fathers popularity.

Bythe end of the year the movie Fantastic Beasts inspired by creatures invented by Rowling in her books will be out in theaters. Two more movies will follow.

Non-English-speaking countries will have to wait a littlelonger for the original text to be translated. The book should be available for sale in Southeast Asia by October.

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