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6 September 2024 17:50

Get to know 5 types of traditional houses on Java Island, a fascinating cultural heritage

Each province in Java has its own distinctive traditional house, reflecting the cultural diversity of the island. Agustin Wahyuningsih
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Traditional houses are one of the cultural heritages that reflect local wisdom and the identity of a region. Each traditional house has a deep philosophy that is closely related to the beliefs, values, and way of life of the local community. On the island of Java, there are various kinds of traditional houses that are interesting to know.

The philosophy of traditional houses.

Traditional houses not only function as a place to live, but also have spiritual and social meaning. Some philosophical aspects of traditional houses include:

1. Harmony with nature
2. Respect for ancestors
3. Symbol of social status
4. Manifestation of family and community values

Traditional houses on the island of Java.

Java Island has a variety of unique and interesting traditional houses. Each province in Java has its own distinctive traditional house, reflecting the cultural diversity of the island. The various traditional houses on Java Island show the richness of traditional architecture that has survived for centuries.

The uniqueness of Javanese traditional houses can be seen from the shape of the roof, the layout, the ornaments, and the building materials used. Despite their differences, these traditional houses also have some similarities, such as the use of wood as the main material and the existence of special rooms for social and spiritual activities.

In this article, we will discuss the various types of traditional houses that can be found on the island of Java, from Joglo in Central Java to Baduy in Banten. Each traditional house will be explained briefly but informatively, providing an overview of the uniqueness of the architecture and cultural values contained within.

Various types of traditional houses on the island of Java.

1. Joglo House (Central Java).

Joglo House is the most famous traditional house from Central Java. Its characteristic is the towering pyramid-shaped roof. This house consists of several main parts:

- Pendopo: an open front room to receive guests.
- Pringgitan: the space between the pendopo and the house
- Omah: the main room where the family carries out activities
- Senthong: the rearmost private room

2. Kebaya House (DKI Jakarta).

Rumah Kebaya or Rumah Gudang is a Betawi traditional house that has a distinctive saddle-shaped roof with a steep slope. The shape of the roof resembles the folds of a kebaya, so it is called Rumah Kebaya.

3. Kasepuhan House (West Java).

Rumah Kasepuhan is a traditional Sundanese house that can be found in the Cirebon area, West Java. This house has a stage structure with a roof shaped like a julang ngapak (bird's wings).

4. Padepokan House (East Java).

Rumah Padepokan is a traditional East Javanese house that is usually used as a residence and a place to study spiritual knowledge. Its shape is similar to Joglo, but it has additional rooms for learning activities.

5. Baduy House (Banten).

The traditional house of the Baduy tribe in Banten has a simple structure made of natural materials. This house is shaped like a stage with a roof made of kiray leaves (a type of palm) and walls made of woven bamboo.

The various traditional houses on the island of Java are a reflection of the cultural richness and local wisdom of the Javanese people. Each traditional house has its own uniqueness, both in terms of architecture and the philosophy contained therein. Preserving and studying these traditional houses is important to understand the history and cultural identity of Java, as well as maintaining ancestral heritage so that it remains sustainable amidst the current of modernization.

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