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19 September 2024 12:45

Explain the different types of muscles in humans along with their functions and how they work

Muscles are an important component of the human body that plays a role in various physical activities. Niko Sulpriyono

Brilio.net - Muscles are one of the important components in the human body that play a role in various physical activities. Without muscles, body movements would not be possible. Muscles work by contracting and relaxing, allowing the body to perform various movements, from simple ones like walking to complex ones like running and lifting weights.

There are three main types of muscles in the human body: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle. Each type of muscle has a different structure, function, and way of working. Skeletal muscle is responsible for conscious body movement, cardiac muscle pumps blood throughout the body, and smooth muscle regulates internal organ functions such as digestion and breathing.

This article will discuss the various types of muscles in humans, accompanied by an explanation of their functions and how they work that brilio.net has collected from various sources, Thursday (19/9). By understanding the role and working mechanism of each type of muscle, it is hoped that it can provide deeper insight into how the human body functions.

1. Skeletal muscles


Skeletal muscle is a type of muscle that is attached to bones and is responsible for voluntary body movements. It is also known as striated muscle because it has fibers that look like striated lines under a microscope.


Skeletal muscles function to move bones and joints, allowing the body to perform various physical activities such as walking, running, lifting weights, and writing. In addition, skeletal muscles also play a role in maintaining body posture and producing body heat through muscle contractions. For example, during exercise, skeletal muscles work harder and produce more heat, which helps maintain a stable body temperature.

Ways of working:

Skeletal muscles work by contracting and relaxing. When a muscle contracts, the muscle fibers shorten and pull on the bone, producing movement. This process is controlled by the central nervous system through electrical impulses sent to the muscle fibers. After contraction, the muscle relaxes and returns to its original length. This process involves the use of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is produced through cellular metabolism.

2. Skeletal muscles


Cardiac muscle is a type of muscle found only in the heart. It is also known as cardiac muscle and has a structure similar to skeletal muscle, but works automatically without conscious awareness.


The heart muscle functions to pump blood throughout the body. Each contraction of the heart muscle produces a heartbeat that pumps oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the rest of the body and returns oxygen-poor blood back to the heart to be pumped to the lungs. This function is essential for maintaining efficient blood circulation and ensuring that all organs and tissues of the body receive the oxygen and nutrients they need.

Ways of working:

The heart muscle works automatically and continuously without stopping. The contraction of the heart muscle is controlled by the cardiac conduction system, which consists of special cells that generate electrical impulses. These impulses cause the heart muscle fibers to contract in a coordinated manner, producing a regular heartbeat. This process also involves the use of ATP, which is produced through aerobic metabolism in the heart muscle cells.

3. Smooth muscle


Smooth muscle is a type of muscle found in the walls of internal organs such as the stomach, intestines, blood vessels, and respiratory tract. This muscle does not have striated fibers like skeletal muscle and works automatically without consciousness.


Smooth muscle functions to regulate the function of internal organs. For example, smooth muscle in the intestinal wall contracts to push food through the digestive tract, while smooth muscle in the walls of blood vessels contracts and relaxes to regulate blood pressure. Smooth muscle also plays a role in regulating airflow in the respiratory tract and controlling uterine contractions during labor.

Ways of working:

Smooth muscles work by contracting and relaxing automatically. Smooth muscle contractions are controlled by the autonomic nervous system and hormones. This process allows internal organs to function efficiently without the need for conscious awareness or control. For example, hormones such as oxytocin can stimulate smooth muscle contractions in the uterus during labor, while the autonomic nervous system can regulate smooth muscle contractions in blood vessels to control blood pressure.


Muscles are vital components of the human body that enable various movements and functions of internal organs. Skeletal muscles are responsible for conscious body movements, cardiac muscles function to pump blood throughout the body, and smooth muscles regulate the function of internal organs. By understanding the function and how each type of muscle works, you can gain deeper insight into how the human body functions and how to maintain the health of these muscles. For example, maintaining a balanced diet and exercising regularly can help maintain healthy skeletal muscles, while maintaining heart health can be done by avoiding stress and eating foods that are good for the heart. Hopefully, this explanation can provide a better understanding of the importance of muscles in everyday life.

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