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8 Desember 2015 14:34

Find out how a website used to be with Oldweb.today

If you take a look at the website 5 years ago or even more, do they still look the same like what we see nowadays? Tunggul Kumoro
Find out how a website used to be with Oldweb.today Bad website design. ©2012 Merdeka.com

Brilio.net/en - When you visit a website, surely most of the design you find is totally nice and attractive to see. On the other hand, if you take a look at the website 5 years ago or even more, do they still look the same like what we see nowadays?

Well, if you want to have nostalgia and see the look of a website back in the past, there is a website that provides such a feature, namely Oldweb.today. Developed by Ilya Kreymer and Dragin Espenschield, this site allows you to surf the net just like in the old days.

You could use browser like Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome to perform this action. You could also decide in what year you want to see the look of the website.

Old website 2015 Merdeka.com

The year you choose would determine the look of the website. However, if you type in a site that has not existed in that year, the Error 404 would appear on your browser because the site you are trying to search had not been made yet.

In addition, the system also lets you to have a random search whether for the browser, website or the year. This might make you wait longerbecause the it requires more adjustments.

Old website 2015 Merdeka.com

So, you could end your curiosity by opening the link oldweb.today. Then try typing Google.com or select a random website to see the the old-fashioned look of it.

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