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2 April 2024 16:45

Equipped with a kitchen and private elevator, here are 11 portraits of Aghnia Punjabi's luxurious basement

So the gathering spot for ART Ferra Listianti
Equipped with a kitchen and private elevator, here are 11 portraits of Aghnia Punjabi's luxurious basement

Brilio.net - Recently the public has been shocked by the child abuse case of Aghnia Punjabi . This celebgram with 2.5 million followers uploaded a CCTV video that recorded the abuse incident, showing Aghnia's baby being hit repeatedly on the head, grabbed and even body-slammed by the nanny. Sadly, this action continued even though the child was crying in pain.

According to Aghnia Punjabi, the incident took place at 4 am in her room, when Aghnia was not at home. Likewise with the household members who were not at the scene of the incident, because they were gathered in the basement.

Apparently, Aghnia's basement is a gathering place for her household members. Not only for parking vehicles, this celebrity's basement is equipped with a dirty kitchen , dining room and household members' rooms. Through her TikTok page, Aghnia also showed a portrait of the quite luxurious basement on her social media.

Below, see brilio.net 's summary of TikTok @emyaghnia on Tuesday (2/4), a luxurious portrait of Aghnia Punjabi's basement.

1. Before the housewife abused her child, Aghnia Punjabi showed a portrait of her residence.

2. One part of the residence that steals attention is the portrait of the basement.

3. Aghnia built a basement with complete facilities. Not only for parking the vehicle, but there is also a dirty kitchen and elevator.

4. The elevator in the basement connects the first and second floors. So, you don't need to get tired of climbing the stairs.

5. Well, this is a portrait of a dirty kitchen which is usually used for household members to cook.

6. Looks spacious, Aghnia's dirty kitchen also has complete facilities. Starting from smoke exhausters, microwaves, cooktops, ovens, to refrigerators.

7. Apart from the kitchen, there is also a mini dining room with chairs and a wooden table that can accommodate four people.

8. Next to the dining room, Aghnia added an outdoor room. Aghnia deliberately created this room for air circulation to make it fresher even in the basement.

9. In the corner of the basement, there is a generator room and reservoir room. Even though it is close to the generator room, Aghnia said that the generator she bought was not noisy if the lights went out.

10. In this basement there are also rooms for the household members. This mother of two revealed that her household members' rooms were more luxurious than the boarding house she lived in before getting married.

11. Apart from being spacious, it is also equipped with items to store the ART's equipment.

Aghnia Punjabi's Journey

Long before being highlighted for her child abuse case, Aghnia Punjabi was already widely known to the public. This celebrity who works as an entrepreneur often uploads various facial care and make-up tutorials. Then, he also often shares his activities when hanging out with fellow celebrities.

However, long before achieving success like today, the owner of the name Hifdzan Silmi Nur Emyaghnia started his career from zero. He was a traveling make-up artist. Now, together with her husband, Reinukky Abidharma has various businesses, such as Pesen Kopi, Amansaka Villa Park, Sylmi Basic, and Byebadskin.

Aghnia's success enabled her to buy her own car from. This woman, who has worn the hijab since kindergarten, has also traveled around Europe and built a magnificent residence.

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