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31 Desember 2016 16:07

Citilink's Clarification After Drunk Pilot Video Goes Viral

"If it's necessary for him to be dismissed, we will dismiss him." Ahada Ramadhana
Citilink's Clarification After Drunk Pilot Video Goes Viral

Brilio.net/en - A video that recently went viral showed Captain Tekad Purna, a pilot for Indonesian airline Citilink who had been previously reported by his own passengers for allegedly being under the influence of alcohol before flight from Jakarta to Surabaya, carrying 154 passengers onboard.

In a one-minute video, the pilot seemed unable to control himself as he kept stumbling and dropping his belongings while walking past asecurity check point.

"Obviously, we've taken an immediate step so the Jakarta to Surabaya flight could be carried out well. Passengers arrived safely in Jakarta. The pilot is already subject to a strict policy. More importanly, the operation went normally and interrupted no the flight safety," said Citilink vice president of corporate communications Benny S. Butarbutar.

Meanwhile, Citilink President Director Albert Burhan explained that they have taken immediate measures to take the allegedly drunk pilot for a medical test in Surabaya. "The results came up negative," he said. The company will also consider a decisive step to their pilot. "If it's necessary for him tobe dismissed, we'll dismiss him."

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