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15 Agustus 2016 14:53

Alfamart Employee Charged Over Stealing Customer's ATM Card

This Alfamart employee was arrested by Greater Jakarta Police. Irwan Khoiruddin
Alfamart Employee Charged Over Stealing Customer's ATM Card

Brilio.net/en - Be careful when you shop at minimarts!

West Jakarta Police on Friday, arrested a 20-year-old suspect with the intials Y.A. who emptied a customer's account after they handed their card over to pay for items at the store.

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Through their official social media account, Greater Jakarta Policesaid he tookas much as Rp 2.2 million from his customer's ATM card so he could buy motorcycle spare parts.

"In total, the suspect used Rp 1.5 million justto buy spare parts for his motorbike. He said he needed to buy it because the old ones werebroken," West Jakarta PolicespokesmanComr. Herru Juliantotold media.

Herru said the victim, Rifa Yulianti (28) paid with his debit card at theminimart where Y.A. worked in South Meruya II, Kembangan, West Jakarta on Monday. Y.A. was behind the counter. He apparently observed Rifa enter his PINand thenswapped the victim's Bank Central Asiacard with one he had prepared before.

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The suspect offered no resistance to hisarres. He was detained while still in uniform and immediatelycharged under Article 363 of the Criminal Code; a charge that carries a maximum prisonsentence of seven years.

Remember to hide your PIN and watch your card!

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