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2 Januari 2025 23:55

Believed to make a relationship last, here are 7 meanings of the myth of giving a belt as a gift

Not a few people believe that giving a belt to your partner can make your relationship last forever. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
Believed to make a relationship last, here are 7 meanings of the myth of giving a belt as a gift foto: pexels.com/Ivan Samkov

Brilio.net - Giving gifts to your partner is one of the most popular ways to express affection among young people. Many people choose items such as watches, wallets, or jewelry as gifts for their lovers. Belts also have a special meaning as gifts for couples according to some beliefs.

Indonesian society has long had various myths about giving gifts to loved ones. Not a few believe that this item is believed to bring good luck and longevity in a romantic relationship. It is no wonder that belts are included in the list of items that are believed to have a positive meaning when given to a partner.

The belief about the meaning of a belt as a gift is still held firmly by some people until now. Not a few believe that giving a belt to a partner can bind the relationship to last.

So what are the myths about giving belts as gifts? Let's take a look at the complete review that brilio.net reports from various sources, Thursday (2/1).

The meaning of the myth of giving a belt as a gift

photo: pexels.com/Lum3n

1. Symbol of strong bond

Belts are considered a symbol of a strong and unbreakable bond between the giver and the recipient of the gift. This meaning comes from the basic function of a belt to tie or tighten clothes so that they do not come off easily.

People believe that giving a belt to a partner can make the relationship strong like the function of the belt. The better the quality of the belt material given, it is believed that the stronger the spiritual bond between the two partners will be.

2. Sign of loyalty

Giving a belt to a partner is believed to be a form of commitment to remain faithful in a relationship. This myth is rooted in the philosophy of a belt that is only used at one hole point, even though it has many holes.

This is interpreted as despite many choices or temptations, a person remains committed to only one partner. The loyalty symbolized by this belt is believed to be contagious to the partner who receives it.

photo: pexels.com/Pavel Danilyuk

3. Symbolizes sincerity

A belt given as a gift has the meaning of seriousness in establishing a relationship. This belief arises because the belt is an accessory that is used daily and has an important function.

Giving a belt as a gift shows that the giver wants to be an important part of their partner's daily life. This myth is very popular among young people who want to show seriousness in a relationship.

4. Maintain harmony

Another meaning of the belt gift as a symbol of maintaining harmony in relationships. The belt that functions to maintain neatness in appearance is analogous to its ability to maintain neatness and harmony in relationships.

People believe that couples who give each other belts will find it easier to maintain balance in their relationship. This harmony includes aspects of communication, understanding, and problem solving in a relationship.

5. Form of protection

Giving a belt is also believed to be a form of protection for the partner. This philosophy comes from the function of the belt which protects clothes from slipping or coming off.

Society interprets giving a belt as a symbol of willingness to always protect and guard the partner from bad things. The protection in question can be in the form of moral, material, or spiritual support in the relationship.

photo: pexels.com/Photo By: Kaboompics.com

6. Symbol of good fortune

A belt around the waist is believed to symbolize fortune that will continue to flow. This myth is related to the unbroken circle shape of the belt, just like the hope for fortune that never ends.

Couples who exchange gifts of belts are believed to have their fortunes smoothed and can support each other financially. This belief is still held by several groups of people today.

7. Matchmaking

The final meaning of giving a belt as a tie between two people. People believe that a belt has spiritual power to tie someone's soulmate. A belt given sincerely is believed to be able to speed up matchmaking and even strengthen the bond between two people who are already soulmates.

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