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21 September 2024 03:40

All kinds of attacks by using the arm in pencak silat

Pencak Silat is a traditional martial art originating from Indonesia and is widely known throughout the world. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - Pencak silat is a traditional martial art originating from Indonesia and has been widely known throughout the world. One important aspect in pencak silat is the technique of attacking using the arms. The various types of attacks using the arms in pencak silat are very diverse and have different purposes and functions. This article will discuss various techniques of attacking with the arms that can be used in pencak silat.

1. Straight punch (Jab)

Straight punch or jab is one of the most basic types of arm attacks in pencak silat. This technique involves a quick, straight punch towards the target. Straight punches are usually used to unbalance the opponent and open up opportunities for further attacks. In pencak silat, straight punches are often used to attack the opponent's face or body quickly and precisely.

2. Side punch (Hook)

A side punch or hook is an attack technique with the arm that involves a circular motion from the side. This punch is usually aimed at the opponent's head or body. Side punches in pencak silat require good strength and speed to produce maximum impact. This technique is often used to surprise opponents and exploit gaps in their defense.

3. Uppercut

Uppercut is one of the most effective types of arm strikes in pencak silat. This technique involves a downward-upward punch, usually aimed at the opponent's chin or stomach. Uppercuts can have a significant impact if done correctly, as they can lift an opponent off their feet and disrupt their balance.

4. Back punch (Backfist)

A backfist is an arm striking technique that involves a blow with the back of the hand. This blow is usually delivered with a quick and sudden movement, often used to attack the opponent's face or head. Backfists in pencak silat require high speed and precision to produce an effective impact.

5. Hammerfist

Hammerfist is one of the unique types of arm strikes in pencak silat. This technique involves striking with the lower part of the fist, similar to the motion of striking with a hammer. Hammerfist is usually aimed at the opponent's head, neck, or shoulder. This technique is very effective at close range and can produce a great impact.

6. Elbow strike

Elbow strike is an arm attack technique that involves the use of the elbow. This strike is very effective at close range and can produce significant impact. Elbow strikes in pencak silat are usually aimed at the opponent's head, face, or body. This technique requires good strength and accuracy to produce maximum impact.

7. Scissor punch

Scissor punch is one of the types of attacks using the arms in pencak silat that involves cutting movements with both arms. This technique is usually used to attack the opponent's neck or body with a quick and sudden movement. Scissor punch requires good coordination and speed to produce an effective impact.

8. Push punch

A push punch is an arm attack technique that involves a pushing motion with the fist. This punch is usually used to unbalance the opponent and open up an opportunity for the next attack. Push punches in pencak silat are often aimed at the chest or stomach of the opponent.

9. Open hand strike (Palm strike)

An open hand strike or palm strike is one of the types of attacks using the arm in pencak silat that involves the use of the palm of the hand. This technique is usually aimed at the opponent's face or body with a fast and powerful movement. Open hand strikes are very effective at close range and can produce a great impact.

10. Knifehand strike

Knifehand strike is an arm attack technique that involves using the sharp side of the hand. This strike is usually aimed at the opponent's neck or body with a fast and powerful movement. Knifehand strikes in pencak silat require good accuracy and strength to produce maximum impact.

In pencak silat, various attacks using the arms are very important to master. Each technique has its own uniqueness and function that can be used in various situations. By mastering various attack techniques with the arms, a silat practitioner can improve his self-defense skills and ability to survive in various conditions.

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