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3 Mei 2016 11:45

A comic explains to Chinese women why foreigners are dangerous

China launched a new campaign to raise awareness among its population about the state’s security. Celia Tholozan
A comic explains to Chinese women why foreigners are dangerous

Brilio.net/en - A week ago, China launched a new campaign to raise awareness among its population about the state’s security. The "National Security Education Day" took place last Friday and one of the parts of this campaign was called “dangerous love” and aims to prevent the negative and above all dangerous effects of dating “attractive foreigners”.

A comic relating the story of “Little Li”, a young Chinese civil servant who meets David, a ginger wearing glasses and looking nice, over dinner.

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David is actually a spy, working for a foreigner government and who has been sent on a mission to seduce Li by buying her flowers and complementing her all the time. The relationship goes on pretty well and one day for some reasons, Li accepts to take David to her office to show him some highly confidential documents. Both lovebirds are under arrest and on the image of the comic, and we can see two police officers reprimanding and accusing Li of her lack of national conscience.

The launch of this campaign matches with the announcement by a Chinese media of the arrest and sentence to death of Huang Yu, a computer engineer working for a governmental agency, accused of having delivered 150.000 highly confidential documents to a yet non-identified secret foreign organisation.

This campaign reflects the efforts of the Chinese President Xi Jinping to tighten the stranglehold of the ruling party on the rapid development of the country as well as on access to information from outside, especially online. Last year, Chinese lawmakers to enforce a controversial law about national security, which increased government control over Internet access.

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Zhang Xuezhong, a lawyer and former professor at the University of Law and Political Science from East China, told the BBC that the new law was an "ideological statement" that would lead to "more cultural censorship and more repression of the dissidents."

1. Friend: "A foreign friend has organised a gathering tonight ... You're always trying to increase your foreign language level, why don't you go with me?" | Xiao Li: "OK." (Translation by Jeremy Daum) 

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2. David: "My name is David and I'm a visiting scholar researching issues about China. I'm really interested in chatting with all of you." (Translation by Jeremy Daum)

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3. David: "Everybody please introduce yourself and say a little something about your work. Let's start with this pretty lady." | Xiao Li: "Oh, OK!" (Translation by Jeremy Daum)

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4. Xiao Li: "I'm Xiao Li, I just tested into the civil service after graduating college and work in a foreign publicity department." | David "OK." (Translation by Jeremy Daum)

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5. After that party, David began to meet with Xiao Li often and gave her gifts. | David: "You're pretty, sweet and exceptional - honestly I fell for you the first time I saw you." (Translation by Jeremy Daum)

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6. Xiao Li: "Having a handsome, romantic and talented foreign boyfriend is pretty good." (Translation by Jeremy Daum)

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7. The two begin a romantic involvement. David: "Dear, what exactly do you do at your work?" | Xiao Li: "I write internal references as a basis for central policies." (Translation by Jeremy Daum)

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