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31 Oktober 2016 16:00

9 Photos That Send A Strong Message About Sexual Assault

"It happens to anyone" Syifa Fauziah
9 Photos That Send A Strong Message About Sexual Assault

Brilio.net/en -Sexual assault isn't justsomething you see in the news. It can happen to anyone at any time, and Yana Mazurke, a student from Belarus who is studying in Itacha College, New York, found a really cool way to raise awareness towards the issue using photography.

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Yana Mazurkevich

Inspired by the Standford rape case, in which rapist Brock Turner was handed just six months of imprisonment after sexually assaulting an unconscious woman last year, Mazurkevich uploaded a series of photos on her website titled It Happens that pictures the different circumstances in which sexual assault can take place.

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1. A woman lies unconscious behind a dumpster, a depiction of the Stanford rape case.

2. It happens without a reason.

3.When you least expect it.

4.It happens to anyone.

5. It happens anywhere.

6. You never see it coming.

7. Itjust happens.

8. It happens without consent.

9. Picture depicts an athlete being assaulted by a male team member.

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