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19 Mei 2017 12:00

7 Types of Female Traditional Headdresses In Indonesia

These beautiful headdresses reflect the glorious era of Indonesian ancient kingdoms. Retno Wulandari
7 Types of  Female Traditional Headdresses In Indonesia Gelungan Agung headdresses worn by Balinese bride and groom (Photo via PayasAgungBali)

Most traditional costumes of Indonesian ethnic groups are equipped with a headdress that add a majestic look to the intricately designed outfits. From Aceh to Papua, brides are seen with crowns, paes (Javanese head ornaments), gold jasmine flowers, and other over the top head accessories.

Here are some of them.

10 Beautiful Traditional Fabrics You Might Not Know Yet


Jamang Aceh Samudera Pasai (Photo credit: Weddingku/Robby Suharlim)

7 Of The Many Types Of Kebaya In Indonesia

Jamang or sometimes called Siger is the head jewelry worn on the forehead. It is worn encircling the head resembling a headband, usually adorning the forehead, starting from the top of the forehead to the temple.

Jamang is a complement to various Indonesian traditional costumes, especially in Java, Sunda, Bali, Lampung, Palembang and West Sumatra as it is usually worn to match a wedding dress or traditional dancer’s clothing.

Jamang (Photo via Wikimedia)

Jamang in Aesan Paksangko wedding costume from Palembang (Photo via Vienna Gallery)

Jamang worn by a Balinese dancer (Photo via Shutterstock)

Today, it’s made of brass and adorned with man-made gemstones. But in the past, as worn by royals, jamang was made of gold or silver and adorned with real diamonds and other precious stones.

Gelungan Agung

Gelungan Agung on Balinese Payas Agung wedding outfit (Photo credit: Weddingku/Robby Suharlim)

Gelungan Agung is a crown and head ornaments used by Balinese royals in the past and is now adopted to a Balinese traditional wedding costume, Payas Agung. For the bride, the Gelungan Agung is formed with the arrangement of golden sandat flowers, ornamented with golden crown and srinata (gold symmetrical curvature on the forehead). For the groom, it’s formed with sandat flowers in smaller quantities and equipped with a crown known as  gelung garuda mungkur.


Suntiang Gadang Minang Pesisir (Photo credit: Weddingku/Timur Angin)

Suntiang is a highly-intricate traditional headdress in Minangkabau, West Sumatra. As any other traditional headdress in Indonesia, suntiang also adopted to Minangkabau’s wedding outfits. There are various kinds of suntiang in Minang culture, such as Pisang Saparak (originated from Solok Salayo), Suntiang Pinang Bararak (from Koto Nan Godang Payakumbuh), Suntiang Mangkuto (from Sungayang), Suntiang Kipeh (from Kurai Limo Jorong), Suntiang Sariantan (from Padang Panjang), Suntiang Matua Palambaian and several more. Each and every suntiang has its own uniqueness and cultural values.

Suntiang Pisang Saparak (Photo credit: Yosefina Yustiani)


Some suntiang consists of 11 layers of ornaments and the installation process is quite complicated. As seen, suntiang is quite heavy. Brides have to bear a five-to-six kilograms suntiang perched on their heads for hours.

Tengkuluk Tanduak

The bride wearing Tengkuluk Tanduak (Photo via Instagram/@sanggarminangdjusmasri)

Tengkuluk Tanduak in Bundo Kanduang traditional outfit (Photo via Wacana Nusantara)

Tengkuluk Tanduak, also known as Tikuluak Tanduak, is a typical women’s headdress made of balapak cloth, mainly seen in Lintau Buo region of Minangkabau, West Sumatra. The headdress is shaped like a double-pointed horn, decorated with gold ornaments. The symbolic meaning of this fixture is the possession of rumah gadang, Minang traditional house. That is, the person wearing it is a bundo kanduang, the owner of a rumah gadang.


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