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3 April 2024 02:25

7 Practices in the last 10 days of Ramadan, complete the fast, gain forgiveness

These practices add to the perfection of fasting. Brilio.net
7 Practices in the last 10 days of Ramadan, complete the fast, gain forgiveness headline: pixabay.com

Brilio.net - The month of Ramadan is the most awaited month of blessings for Muslims. During the first 10 days of Ramadan, Muslims are given a golden opportunity to increase their acts of worship. The Prophet SAW said that Allah SWT has appointed the first 10 days of Ramadan as days full of mercy and forgiveness. Therefore, it is highly recommended for Muslims to increase good practices during this period.

In celebrating the first 10 days of Ramadan, Muslims are encouraged to increase their worship practices, such as prayer, almsgiving, reading the Qur'an, and dhikr. In addition, avoiding all forms of disobedience and improving morals is also an important part of improving the quality of worship during these first 10 days. The Prophet SAW said that whoever performs worship in the first 10 days of Ramadan sincerely, then Allah SWT will provide ease and blessings in performing worship in the following days.

Good deeds done during the first 10 days of Ramadan will not only bring you closer to Allah SWT, but can also add to the perfection of fasting. Therefore, let us make the most of this precious opportunity. May our deeds be accepted by Allah SWT, our sins be forgiven, and we obtain His blessings and forgiveness.

Here brilio.net has launched practices in the last 10 days of Ramadan to gain forgiveness and complete your fast, Tuesday (2/4).

photo: pixabay.com

Practices in the last 10 days of Ramadan.

Basically, all good deeds are prioritized throughout the month of Ramadan. All days in the month of Ramadan are full of blessings. The following 7 practices are good to do in the hope that you can maximize the rest of your month of Ramadan.

1. I'tikaf.

I'tikaf is done by isolating oneself in a mosque or another place that is used as a place of worship. Iktikaf is usually performed on the last 10 days of Ramadan, especially on odd nights, such as the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th nights, because these nights are believed to be the nights of Lailatul Qadr, a better night than a thousand months. The hope of finding Lailatul Qadar night in a state of worship is the main reason a Muslim performs I'tikaf.

In performing I'tikaf, everything we do can be considered as worship. You can do this when you fulfill the requirements for i'tikaf. Therefore, a Muslim may perform i'tikaf at any time, even during the day. I'tikaf can not only be done on odd nights at the end of the month of Ramadan as long as you read the intention. The intention that is the key to worship for Muslims also applies to i'tikaf. After reciting your intention, then all your activities will be judged as worship. Therefore, you are prohibited from doing things that could lead you to immorality. You must be physically and mentally pure when performing I'tikaf.

photo: pixabay.com

2. Add qiyamul lail and practice the sunnah prayer Lailatul Qadar.

Many historical events for Muslims occur in the month of Ramadan. Being grateful is the best way to remember that moment. The best thanks for a servant is to use the time to worship. Qiyamul Lail prayer is one of them.

Sunnah prayers are often given little attention by Muslims. In fact, many sunnah prayers are flexible to practice. Qiyamul Lail is one of them. Qiyamul Lail can be done as much as you can. Filling your nights in the last 10 days of Ramadan can bring you many blessings there.

Apart from the commonly performed qiyamul lail, you can practice the Lailatul Qadar prayer. Practices devoted to Laylatul Qadar enable you to achieve its glory. You must take advantage of the rewards that are doubled during Laylatul Qadar. As is known, the night of Laylatul Qadar is more glorious than a thousand months. Maybe a servant will never know when that night will come, but many people narrate the arrival of Lailatul Qadar in the last 10 days of Ramadan.

3. Increase alms.

Increasing alms in the last 10 days of Ramadan is a practice that is highly recommended in Islam. This is based on several virtues contained in it. First, alms is a form of worship that can draw closer to Allah SWT. By giving charity, a person shows his sincerity and love for the Creator.

Second, alms has the power to erase the sins that have been committed. Rasulullah SAW said that alms can erase sins as water extinguishes fire. Thus, giving alms in the last 10 days of Ramadan is an excellent opportunity to cleanse oneself of the sins that have occurred.

Apart from that, the reward for alms in the month of Ramadan has been blessed by Allah SWT. However, in the last 10 days of Ramadan, the reward for alms will be doubled again. Every alms given on these days will have a very large reward value. Therefore, increasing your alms in the last 10 days of Ramadan is one way to gain multiple rewards.

Apart from getting a big reward, alms is also a charity that can bring blessings to a person's life. By giving charity, a person will receive blessings in everything he does. Finally, by increasing alms in the last 10 days of Ramadan, one can emulate the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad who was very generous, especially in the month of Ramadan. Thus, increasing alms in the last 10 days of Ramadan is a form of worship that is highly recommended in Islam.

photo: pixabay.com

4. Increase your prayers.

Prayer is a means of communicating directly with Allah SWT, so that by increasing prayer in the last days of Ramadan, a person can strengthen his relationship with the Creator. Apart from that, prayer is also a form of acknowledgment of human dependence on Allah SWT, which shows humility and awareness of His power. In the last 10 days of Ramadan, there is a night that is better than a thousand months, namely Laylatul Qadar, where the reward for every act of worship is doubled. Therefore, increasing prayer in the last 10 days of Ramadan is one way to get blessings and great rewards from Allah SWT.

5. Increase dhikr.

Dhikr is a form of worship that is highly recommended because it reminds and strengthens one's relationship with Allah SWT. In the last 10 days of Ramadan, there is a night that is better than a thousand months, namely Laylatul Qadar, where the reward for every act of worship is doubled. By increasing the amount of dhikr on these days, a person can draw closer to Allah SWT, cleanse the heart and soul, and obtain great blessings and rewards. Apart from that, dhikr can also help someone to maintain awareness and devotion while fasting in the month of Ramadan.

photo: pixabay.com

6. Increase your reading of the Koran.

Instructions and life guidelines for Muslims, as well as the main source of Allah SWT's revelation, are found in the Al-Qur'an. In the last 10 days of Ramadan, there is a night that is better than a thousand months, namely Laylatul Qadar, where the Koran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. By reading more of the Qur'an and reciting the Qur'an on these days, a person can get great blessings and rewards, and get closer to Allah SWT. Apart from that, reading the Al-Qur'an can also be a means to reflect on the meaning and messages contained in His verses, so that you can deepen your understanding of Islamic teachings and increase your faith.

7. Increase trust and meditation.

Tawakal teaches you to let go of worry and anxiety, and believe that everything that happens is the will of Allah SWT, the Most Wise. In the last 10 days of Ramadan, there is a night that is better than a thousand months, namely Laylatul Qadar, where the fate of the year will be determined. Therefore, trust is the key to accepting all these decisions gracefully. Meanwhile, tafakur teaches us to reflect on the meaning of life, the purpose of creation, and the greatness of Allah SWT, so that we can increase our faith and devotion. By practicing tawakal and tafakur in the last 10 days of Ramadan, a person can deepen his relationship with Allah SWT, increase patience and fortitude in facing life's trials, and gain blessings and abundant rewards from Him.

Intern: Robiul Adil Robani

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