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10 September 2024 22:35

6 Benefits of Taking a Break from Scrolling Social Media for Mental and Physical Health

Based on State of Mobile 2024 data released by Data.AI, it shows that Indonesia is seriously addicted to cellphones. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
freepik.com/KamranAydinov; freepik

Brilio.net - The increasing use of social media has made many people unknowingly spend hours scrolling non-stop. Based on a survey by the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) 2022, around 63.5% of internet users in Indonesia access social media for more than 3 hours a day, which can lead to addiction.

Meanwhile, based on State of Mobile 2024 data released by Data.AI, Indonesia is already seriously addicted to mobile phones, even ranking first in spending time staring at mobile phone screens. The report states that in 2023, Indonesians will be the longest users spending time with mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets, namely 6.05 hours a day.

Although not specific to social media , the screening time is inseparable from the increasingly widespread use of social media. Moreover, all information can be obtained from there, of course, making many people willing to spend time scrolling through social media. One solution to overcome this problem is to take a break from scrolling through social media periodically to maintain a balance between mental and physical health.

Social media addiction not only affects mental health, such as increased anxiety and stress, but also affects physical conditions. Tired eyes, bad posture, and lack of sleep are some of the negative effects that can occur due to excessive use.

Therefore, taking a break from scrolling through social media can help reduce the physical and mental burden caused by excessive digital activity. Taking a break from online activities also gives the mind space to rest and focus on more productive things.

So, here are the benefits of taking a break from scrolling through social media for mental and physical health, as adapted by brilio.net from various sources, Tuesday (10/9).

The benefits of taking a break from scrolling through social media for mental and physical health.

The benefits of taking a break from scrolling social media for mental and physical health

1. Improve mental well-being

Taking a break from scrolling through social media can significantly improve mental well-being. An experimental study by Hunt et al. (2018), published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, found that limiting social media use to 30 minutes per day for three weeks reduced levels of depression and loneliness.

In addition, there is also research by Tromholt (2016) published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking showing that participants who stopped using Facebook for one week reported increased life satisfaction, positive emotions, and decreased levels of depression, especially for heavy cellphone users.

2. Improve sleep quality

Not only maintaining mental health, it turns out that taking a break from the habit of scrolling social media can have a good impact on the body, including maintaining sleep quality. The habit of scrolling social media before bed can affect sleep quality, causing difficulty sleeping as well as restless sleep.

The blue light from gadget screens can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that is important for quality sleep. A study published in Sleep Medicine Reviews shows that taking a break from social media before bed can improve sleep quality and help restore the body's energy. By avoiding social media at least an hour before bed, you can fall asleep faster and get better quality rest.

3. Increase productivity and focus

Taking a break from social media can also improve productivity and focus. When you are not distracted by notifications or online distractions, you are more likely to be able to concentrate on important tasks.

Research published in the Journal of Applied Psychology revealed that distractions caused by social media can reduce work efficiency and even affect the ability to complete tasks. By reducing the time spent scrolling through social media, a person can be more focused and more productive in daily activities, both in the work environment and in learning activities.

4. Optimize physical health

Taking a break from social media can contribute to improved physical health by encouraging more physical activity. Time that would normally be spent scrolling can be redirected to activities such as exercising, walking, or other physical activities that support physical health.

Launching a study from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine shows that increasing physical activity can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems. By reducing screen time or increasing physical activity, overall health can be improved.

5. Make time for self-reflection

Taking a break from social media provides an opportunity for self-reflection and self-development. The time previously spent scrolling can be used to reflect on life goals, develop new skills, or pursue hobbies.

Research in the Journal of Positive Psychology shows that adequate time for self-reflection can improve mental and emotional well-being, and help individuals set better goals and priorities in life. Taking a break from social media allows you to focus more on personal development and achieving long-term goals.

6. Improved posture and eye health

Taking a break from scrolling social media can improve posture and eye health. A study by Xie et al. (2016) published in Work suggests that excessive smartphone use can lead to musculoskeletal problems, especially in the neck and shoulders.

Another study by Moon et al. (2014) in BMC Ophthalmology found that prolonged smartphone use can cause eye fatigue and dry eye symptoms. Therefore, taking a break from social media can indirectly affect the body's condition.

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