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9 Oktober 2020 18:00

Becoming a successful entrepreneur, this is a series of businesses carried out by Reino Barack

Reino Barack has a business empire at the age of 34. Nisa Akmala
Becoming a successful entrepreneur, this is a series of businesses carried out by Reino Barack

Not a celebrity, but the name Reino Barack is well known to the public. So who exactly is Reino Barack? Apart from being known as Syahrini's husband, Reino Barack is a young entrepreneur born into a prominent family. He is the son of Rosana Barack, one of the richest entrepreneurs in Indonesia. One of the companies that Rosana Barack works for is PT Global Mediacom. At this company, Reino Barack has the position of Senior Vice President in the field of business development.

Not only does he have an important position in one company, Luna Maya's former lover also holds important positions in several of his father's subsidiaries. Apart from being busy with various managerial matters, Reino Barack is also involved in the culinary business world. As a young entrepreneur, Reino Barack has a business empire at the age of 34. What business empire does Reino Barack have? Take a peek at the list via this Brilio video.

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