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15 Mei 2017 11:15

4 Legendary Indonesian Football Clubs That Now Are History

Bitter reality hit those clubs before you have a chance to watch them play. Angga Roni Priambodo
4 Legendary Indonesian Football Clubs That Now Are History © Twitter/@memoriligina

Big fans of the Indonesian football league must befamiliar with the club PSMS Medan, Persib or Persebaya that despite some internal and managerial conflicts, are still active in current national competitions and winning trophies.

Those teams are the more fortunate ones, compared to clubs on the list below. Their splendid reputation could not help the so-called "legendary" teams to exist in current competition. You might have heard some of the now-defunct teams, but here we have their stories for you.

1. Warna Agung

The club was one of toughest competitors at the Galatama Cup. It was founded by a tycoon Benny Mulyono in 1971. A series of famous players once played for this team, including Ronny Pattinasarani and Rully Nere. Some internal conflicts were said to bethe cause of the team's decline.

2. Arseto Solo

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The club existed until the end of 90's. Skillful players like Miro Baldo Bento and Agung Setyabudi once joined the team that won the 1991/1992 Indonesian League Competition. Arseto declared itsdissolution in 1998, after the mass riots that year.

3. Niac Mitra

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The three-time Galatama champion established by Alexander Wenas decided to announce its dissolution in 1991 because of the league rules that the club considered them 'unfavorable'. Niac Mitra is a precursor of the current Mitra Kukar.

4. Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian

Sjarnoebi Said established the club that once based in Palembang and Bekasi. Krama Yudha had won the 1985/1986 Galatama before financial crisis had to make the club sink in the early 90s.

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