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3 April 2017 18:00

8 Rare Pictures Of Moh. Hatta

You might have only seen him on pictures of our independence day, so here we give you a little more. Andry Trysandy Mahany
8 Rare Pictures Of Moh. Hatta

Mohammad Hatta or 'Bung Hatta' is one of the central figures behind the Indonesia independence.

Together known as 'The Proclamators' with President Soekarno, Indonesia's first vice president was also acknowledged as diplomat, activist, statesman and the pioneer of Indonesian cooperatives.

We bet you've heard much of him, but perhaps this series of photo retrieved from various sources could give a glimpse ofthe other side of the country's founding father.

10 Rare Photos Of Gen. Sudirman During The National Revolution

Moh. Hatta delivering a fiery speech in front of Central Indonesian National Committee (KNIP) parliament.

(Cas Oorthuys/Fotoleren)

Moh. Hatta delivering a fiery speech in front of Central Indonesian National Committee (KNIP) parliament.

Hatta meeting  Dutch officials during his visitation to the Netherland in 1949.

(Fokke de Haan/Spaarnestad)

Hatta meeting Dutch officials during his visitation to the Netherland in 1949.

(Henk Blansjaar/Spaarnestad)

Hatta and the Dutch Foreign Minister, Dirk Stikker in Den Haag (The Hague) on August 25, 1949.

(Cor Out/Spaarnestad)

Hatta accompanied by Indonesian ambassador to the Netherland, Soedjarwo Tjondronegoro during a press conference in Schiphol Airport, 1967.

Nationaal Archief

Hatta inspecting the Indonesian army in Linggarjati, 1946.


Reading a newspapper with his wife, Rahmi Rachim or popularly known as Siti Rahmawati Hatta.


A family portrait of Hatta and his kids.


Hatta and President Soekarno surrounded by journalist and foreign photographers during the early days of independence.

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