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22 Juli 2024 15:00

Don't throw them away straight away, this is a trick to save almost stale vegetables so they are delicious and safe to consume again

Moreover, if the vegetable contains coconut milk, it will spoil more easily. Shahfara Raida

Vegetables can be prepared with various additional ingredients and methods, such as making stir-fries, clear sauce, coconut milk, and many more. Well, the coconut milk vegetable menu is a favorite of many people, because the sauce is savory and slightly thick, so it is even more delicious when served with warm rice.

However, vegetable dishes, especially those with coconut milk, spoil easily, so they can't be stored in the kitchen for too long. Signs that a vegetable dish is almost stale can be seen from the smell starting to smell and the taste turning slightly sour. This is also often experienced by users of the Instagram account @ummubalqishaura, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (22/7).

However, through an upload by netizen Instagram user ummubalqishaura, this woman admitted that she had a trick to save vegetables that were almost stale by adding one kitchen ingredient. However, of course this trick cannot be used on vegetables that are already stale.


The trick is to first heat the vegetable dish over a small stove fire. When it starts to get hot, add crushed garlic or a little baking soda. Yup, that's the main kitchen ingredient to practice this trick to save almost stale vegetables. You just have to choose one of the two materials.


After adding the garlic or baking soda, stir the vegetables until evenly mixed. Wait a few moments, then taste it. If it no longer feels sour, it means the vegetable dish has been saved. How about it, how simple is this trick to save almost stale vegetables?

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