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28 November 2024 12:30

A month after getting married, Pevita Pearce reveals the intimate moment of her proposal, here are 11 photos

Keenan Pearce replaced the role of father on Pevita Pearce's special day. Khansa Nabilah
A month after getting married, Pevita Pearce reveals the intimate moment of her proposal, here are 11 photos foto: Instagram/@pevpearce

Happy news came from Pevita Pearce who finally ended her single life on October 20. The 32-year-old actress officially married Mirzan Meer in a private event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Apparently, not only the wedding, the moment of the couple's proposal also took place privately and intimately. Wearing a fresh peach-colored dress, Pevita looked charming, while Mirzan looked harmonious with a matching outfit. This proposal moment was also revealed by Pevita Pearce a month after their wedding.

The event was a touching moment for the family, especially the older brother, Keenan Pearce, who replaced the role of father on the special day. The proposal was also decorated with peach and orange nuances, creating a warm and elegant atmosphere.

Check out the moment of Pevita Pearce's proposal which was just uploaded on Instagram @pevpearce, compiled by brilio.net on Thursday (28/11).

The news of Pevita Pearce's wedding certainly surprised fans. The actress of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck held her happy moment in secret.

Instagram @pevpearce

The news of Pevita Pearce's wedding certainly surprised fans. The actress of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck held her happy moment in secret.

Instagram @pevpearce

Not only her wedding, her proposal was also private. This is how beautiful Pevita Pearce looks wearing a peach-colored dress that makes her look fresher.

Instagram @pevpearce

The man who is now her husband, Mirzan Meer, also appeared wearing clothes that matched Pevita. Very harmonious, right?

Instagram @pevpearce

At this happy moment, the older brother Keenan Pearce looked very happy to see his younger brother soon to be married to the lover of his choice.

Instagram @pevpearce

Keenan was even seen crying happily when he represented his younger brother as a substitute father in this happy moment.

Instagram @pevpearce

This is a portrait of Pevita with her beloved mother. They both look very happy, don't they?

Instagram @pevpearce

"The sweetest 'yes' of my life," was the caption written by Pevita in her Instagram upload.

Instagram @pevpearce

The decoration for Pevita's engagement event had orange and peach nuances which made the atmosphere look fresh and elegant.

Instagram @pevpearce

Not only family, Pevita's proposal moment was also attended by her close friends. Intimate and very impressive.

Instagram @pevpearce

Pevita Pearce's proposal moment seemed impressive with an intimate and private event concept.

Instagram @pevpearce

After the proposal, Pevita Pearce and Mirzan Meer officially married on Sunday (20/10) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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