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8 Juni 2017 12:45

No Appeal For Ahok's Case From AGO

Is this the end, then? Tunggul Kumoro
No Appeal For Ahok's Case From AGO © AFP Photo/Bay Ismoyo

Attorney General H.M. Prasetyo made sure his institution would not file an appeal for Basuki Tjahaja Purnama's blasphemy case. The statement was made due to Ahok's decision tonot continue his legal proceedings.

"Ahok has accepted the verdict. We should not focus on one case only," said Prasetyoafter attending a meeting at KPK office, South Jakarta on Wednesday.

The added thatit is unnecessary to dwell upon a finished case.

Ahok, through his lawyers and family, previously stated that he had accepted the court ruling and wouldn't file any appeal. However, the attorney general did not disclose when will the Attorney General's Office released an official statement against the North Jakarta District Court's verdict.

"We're still waiting for the Junior Prosecutor for General Crimes [to pass the official statement]," said Prasetyo.

On May 9, panel of judges found Ahok guilty of blasphemy against Islam and sentenced him to two years imprisonment. The former governor decided to drop the plan to appeal not long after his lawyer team filed the note of appeal to the North Jakarta District Court. The appeal itself was addressed to the sentence given by the judges which was heavier that what the prosecutors recommended.

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